Together with 9 Expert Speakers, UPNVJ Holds Medical Ethics Webinar Discussing the Implementation of Ethical Medical Ethical Sanctions that are Equitable


HumasUPNVJ - As an effort to provide a solution to the problem of code of ethics in the world of health, the Faculty of Medicine through UPN Veterans Jakarta (UPNVJ) professor Prof. Dr. med. Dr. Frans Santosa, MD, Sp JP(K), FIHA, EFMA, FACA, FICA, FASA, SFGISA held a "Medical Ethics Webinar on the Application of Ethical Sanctions in Equitable Medicine".

"Ethical issues are an interesting issue to discuss, especially the application of fair medical ethical sanctions, this activity is a means of discussion, especially in our endless discussions regarding health," said Dr. Erna Hernawati, Ak, CPMA, CA Chancellor of UPN Veterans Jakarta in her remarks before hundreds of webinar participants on Saturday (18/12/21).


Erna also said that related to this matter there must be an escort for upholding justice which is a challenge for health professional institutions in providing their services.

"There are certainly many actions that clash with colleagues or with community services, so on that basis I hope this activity can become a forum for discussion that provides solutions to the problems faced by health professional institutions today," he added.

In addition, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. dr. Taufiq Fredrik Pasiak, M.Kes., M.Pd.I is of the opinion that medical ethics is a long-term learning, especially when students have graduated from tertiary institutions, because all adhere to the belief that exists within themselves to provide sincere and fair ethics. colleagues and in patient care.

"As an educational institution, we prioritize medical ethics, but this is a long process. Maybe when we are under escort it will be easier, but when they graduate the process can be quite long and there is a lot of experience to go through. As an educator, I feel that when someone makes a mistake but still wants to change, that is the main value for us to be able to embrace together to improve ourselves," said Taufiq.


"Science and social phenomena develop faster than social ethics, but I believe that when we have good faith and religion, this can be maintained and science will also develop. Belief in God is the main basis of ethics in humans. If this is not believed, it will be difficult to maintain ethics, he added.

The activity was carried out as a discussion of health experts to be able to understand medical problems from both patients and health workers while still prioritizing patient autonomy.

This special opportunity presented nine sources from health experts, including:

  1. Prof. Frans Santosa, MD, SpJP(K), FIHA, EFMA, FACA, FICA. FASA, FSGISA Internist, Cardiologist, Angiologist. Discussion Topic "Bullying against TS is a serious violation of KODEKI, Organizational sanctions must be given"

  1. Dr. Poedjo Hartono, SpOG (K) Discussion on "Becoming a Good Doctor"

  1. DR Dr Julitasari Sundoro, MSc – PH Discussion Topic “Ethical Review of Vaccine Clinical Trials”

  1. Dr. Bambang Soebagyo, SpPD, FINASIM, SMn, SAB, MM Discussion Topic "Avoiding Violations of Medical Ethics in the Clinic"

  1. Prof. Dr. Dr David S. Perdanakusuma, SpBP-RE (K) Discussion Topic "Relationship of Medical Code of Ethics with Medical Science"

  1. Dr. Azharul Yusri, S.pOG Discussion Topic "Medical Ethics in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Problems and Challenges"

  1. Prof. Dr. Dr. Rianto Setiabudy, SpF(K) Discussion Topic "Application of restorative justice by MKEK"

  1. Dr. Dr. Pukovisa Prawirohardjo, SpS(K) Discussion Topic "Doctors Ethics in Social Media"

  1. Prof. Dr. Dr. Djoehansjah Marzoeki, SpBP-RE (K) Discussion Topic "Two Roles of Doctors with Two Different Ethics"

Apart from the Medical Ethics Code webinar that has been implemented through the Medical Ethics Honorary Council, it can be accessed via the link

The webinar activities can also be watched again on the YouTube page as follows:

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