Set Your Goals With Dr. Iwan Kresna Setiadi, SE, MM


HumasUPNVJ - Faculty of Law (FH) UPN Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) held a Stimulation, Learning, Ethics, Collaboration, Creativity Program (PROSPEKTIV) which invited Dr. Iwan Kresna Setiadi, SE, MM Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business who is also a practitioner in the field of human resource management and strategic management which is conducted online, on Saturday (18/12/21).

"The important thing that we can get from the material later is how each of us has a vision, we have to know our destination point. When everything is clear it will speed up our learning process. Build your goals as early as possible, with this useful momentum we can build a roadmap for the future so that everything is measurable," said Dr. H. Abdul Halim., M.Ag Dean of the Faculty of Law in front of hundreds of participants including new students from all UPNVJ faculties.

Dr. Iwan Kresna S. SE., MM in his opportunity to discuss "Determining goals to aim for ( Begin with the End in Mind: Principles of Personal Vision )".

At the beginning of the discussion Iwan gave an explanation of what each person wants in life "want to be a burden to others or to be able to benefit others, everything is our choice and comes from ourselves" he said.


In his explanation, Iwan also gave several examples of ordinary people's descriptions that inspired one of them, Mrs. Een Sukaesih, a teacher who suffers from paralysis but is still enthusiastic about giving lessons to her students voluntarily.

"Your current position is learning, building competence and preparing yourself to achieve goals, don't ever regret if in the future you will still be a burden to others, just by self-introspection whether you have set goals from the start of the journey," he said.

In his discussion, Iwan not only explained and gave various examples of inspiration that could be useful for others, Iwan also gave tips on success and being able to have a meaningful life "start with a dream from now on set your dreams what you will become later don't take it for granted because it will set your current process, Get rid of hasty habits, Find out what you dream of, "explained Iwan.

Even though it was carried out online, the activity was two-way in nature where participants could ask questions directly about the obstacles they were facing and get solutions directly from experts.



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