Photo of the Chancellor of UPNVJ with the Dean of the Faculty of Law and the speakers
HumasUPNVJ - The Draft Law on the State Capital (RUU IKN) which is currently in the process of being discussed by the Government of Indonesia together with the DPR RI at this time, will later become the legal basis for governance of governance in the State Capital (IKN).
To accommodate constructive input from the public and academics, the Ministry of National Planning and Development (PPN)/Bappenas RI in collaboration with the Faculty of Law (FH) UPN Veterans Jakarta (UPNVJ) held a Public Consultation on the IKN Bill which took place at Margo Hotel Depok, on Last Tuesday (28/12).
The event, which was held offline and online hybrid , invited several experts, academics, student representatives and was open to the general public.
The main theme raised in this Public Consultation is the regional government model specifically for the State Capital and the strengthening of national defense. Some of the experts invited to this event included Professor of Constitutional Law at the Islamic University of Indonesia, Prof. Ni'matul Huda, SH, MH and Dr. Wicipto Setiadi, SH, MH
The two informants specifically provided their input regarding the regional government model specifically for the State Capital. Not only that, an expert on state defense and security who is also a senior academic, Kusnanto Anggoro, Ph.D. and Anton Aliabbas, Ph.D. academics from Paramadina Graduate School of Diplomacy, Paramadina University.
The Public Consultation on the IKN Bill began with a presentation from Dr. Diani Sadiawati, SH, LL.M. as the Expert Staff of the Minister of National Development Planning in the field of Institutional Relations and Bogat Widyatmoko, SE, MA as (Director of Defense and Security of the Indonesian National Development Planning Agency), as well as representatives of the Working Group Team of Indonesian National Development Planning Agency.
This event is also a forum for outreach and discussion to the public regarding the target of moving the State Capital to a new area in East Kalimantan. Various inputs, views and criticisms were provided by experts and participants in the Public Consultation as material for study for the Indonesian National Development Planning Agency so that the discourse on relocating the National Capital can be carried out in a mature and in-depth manner to achieve people's welfare and the progress of the Indonesian nation.