Preparing Academic Community with Ethical Knowledge, UPNVJ's Research Ethics Committee Held Webinar on Essence of Research Ethics in Multidisciplinary Science

UPNVJ PR - Researchers, both in the field of health science and non-health science, need to prepare and conduct research well. A good research is a research that meets the following criteria: meets the criteria from the scientific aspect and the ethical aspect.

To provide the academic community with adequate ethical knowledge throughout Indonesia in general and within UPNVJ in particular, Research Ethics Commitee (KEP) of UPNVJ organizes webinars regularly. This webinar was held on April 9th 2022 with "Essence of Research Ethics in Multidisciplinary Sciences" as its theme. This webinar was attended by prospective researchers and researchers both within and outside UPNVJ, such as from Hasannudin University, Bengkulu University and other universities.

The webinar, which was attended by 378 participants from all over Indonesia by both students and lecturers, presented three speakers: dr. Nur Atik, M.Kes, Ph.D (Chairman of Research Ethics Committee of Padjadjaran University); Harnawan Rizky, S.Si, MOHRE (member of FERCAP, Ethics Reviewer of UPNVJ); and Fahmi Fuadi, ST (IT Consultant from icraft). This webinar was moderated by A'immatul Fauziyah, S.Gz, M.Si who came from Nutritional Study Program of UPNVJ.


In her remarks, the Chairwoman of LPPM UPNVJ, Dr. Sri Lestari Wahyoeningrum, Ph.D said that all research involving humans, especially those involving vulnerable groups requires ethical clearance. In addition, the increase of research interest from the perspective of GEDSI (Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion) requires ethical standards to protect vulnerable groups, uphold respect for subjects and apply ethical principles. The LPPM UPNVJ will also include an ethical clearance stage before such research can be declared to have passed as a research in multidisciplinary science. This is also to support the publication because many have asked to have ethical clearance as a requirement.


Rector of UPNVJ, Prof. Dr. Erna Hernawati, Ak. CPMA, CA, CGOP affirmed that in accordance with the remarks of the Chairwoman of LPPM, this webinar was important to be held. The Rector also stated that the Health Research Ethics Committee has officially changed its name to Research Ethics Committee to better oversee multidisciplinary sciences to respond to internal and external needs.

The first speaker, dr. Nur Atik, M.Kes, Ph.D explained about Responsible Conduct Research (RCR). RCR is something that researchers need to implement to ensure their credibility, to obtain clear data, for further research, to increase contributions to society, to increase public trust, and as a way to fulfull the values, norms and research ethics aspects. In his explanation, dr. Nur Atik also said that researchers need to know the forms of misconduct in research, either in the form of fabrication, falsification or plagiarism.


The second speaker, Harnawan Rizy, S.Si, MOHRE conveyed the ethical considerations of research in multidisciplinary sciences. He talked about the notion of research ethics, the history of research ethics, the protection of human participants/subjects in research, as well as the Research Ethics Committee and Ethical Approval. Research ethics are necessary to protect human subjects involved in the research. The history of ethics itself started from several studies that did not care about the safety of human participants, for example: Angel of Back Death, Sergio de Simone, Tuskegee Siphyllis Study, Thalidomide, and so on. This antecedent was the catalyst for the emergence of research ethics guidelines such as Nuremberg code d1943, the Declaration of Human Rights 1948, the Belmont Report, CIOMS, and the latest one in Indonesia in particular, National Guidelines for Health Research Ethics 2022. The ethical principles that must be adhered to by researchers are Respect for Person, Beneficiace, and Justice. A good research ideally meets the criteria: scientifically and ethically sound.


The third speaker was Fahmi Fuadi, ST. He is an IT consultant in collaboration with UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. He explained about the procedure for submitting an ethical submission to the Research Ethics Commission (KEP) of UPNVJ. The submission process can be done on the KEP UPNVJ official website at: The submission process starts with registration, then proceed with the payment, and then submit the following documents: CV of the researcher, pre-research explanation, informed consent, research protocols and research instruments, and other required documents.

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