In order to review the 7th edition of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta news magazine, Public Relations of UPNVJ held a review finalization at Avenzel Hotel, Bekasi City on Wednesday (20/04/2022).
“We are currently working on the seventh edition, which is the second edition I worked on since I served as the Head of UPT. Public Relations of UPNVJ, hopefully the magazine can be better and run in accordance to what we want," said Windhi Tia Saputra, Head of UPT. Public Relations of UPNVJ.
For the finalization of the magazine this time, they invited Anastasia Lintang Proborini from PT. Siji Solusi Digital, who previously had experience as a PR staff at the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Ristekdikti).
During the discussion, Lintang raised the theme of Storytelling with Data, Understanding the Context, and Choosing Effective Visuals, which emphasized the management of magazines, types and categories of magazines in accordance to the magazine that is going to be published.
"The magazine that will be published by Public Relations of UPNVJ falls under the category of a public relations magazine, and was created with the aim of strengthening internal organizations such as employees, clients and other institutions," explained Lintang.
"In the process of designing the magazine, we tried to position ourselves as laymen where the addition of visual images would make it easier for them to understand," he said.
Together, Public Relations team of UPNVJ and the guest speaker reviewed the finished magazine, which had been processed previously by the Public Relations team of UPNVJ as a material for discussion and revision prior to the publication of the magazine.
Beside being reviewed by the guest speaker, Rector of UPNVJ Erna Hernawati also did the review online.
"In general, it is good, but I want you to also include matters related to optimizing the current assets we have that can be utilized. Maybe we can also explore the scopus journals made by lecturers," said the Rector.