Two Teams from UPNVJ Faculty of Health Science Swept Silver Medals in an International Event, GloColis 2022

Students of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta continued to make brilliant achievements for their beloved campus. Two teams from the Faculty of Health Science were able to bring home Silver Medals in the prestigious GloColis competition. GloColis is an abbreviation for Global Competition for Life Sciences. This competition was organized by Indonesian Young Scientist Association (IYSA) in collaboration with the Food Science and Technology Department of IPB and BUCA IMSEF Turkey. GloColis has several competition categories, including: Biotechnology, Biomedicine, Food Science, Life and Nutritionan Science, Pharmacy, Food Technology, Bioinformatics and several other categories. This activity was attended by 206 teams from 12 countries, including South Korea, Iran, Thailand, Puerto Rico, Philippines, Mexico, Vietnam, Turkey and many other countries. GloColis will be held at BG Junction Surabaya, East Java online and offline from April 9th to April 12th, 2022.

Siti Luthfiana, Nirmala, and Putri Rahayu won the Silver Medal with Project Title: Mindful-Med: Application Based System in Increasing The Role of The Family in Assisting Medication And Mindfulness Therapy in Schizophrenic Patient in the Bioinformatics category. In addition, the other team which consists of Bayu Saputra, Mohammad Rayhan Hernadi, Andini Maulani Putri and Nanda Desi Rahma also won a Silver Medal with Project Title: Ready Soap: Recycle Diswashing Soap in the Life Science category.

The Public Relations team of UPNVJ conducted online interviews with representatives from each team, Siti Luthfiana and Bayu Saputra.

Siti Luthfiana and Bayu Saputra briefly told the PR team about the process that led them to participate in this competition. Luthfiana explained that she and her team entered the GloColis competition because of a failure, “My team and I were interested in participating in the GloColis competition because of a failure. Previously, Nirmala, Putri Rahayu, and I participated in the National Writing Competition but did not win the competition. Then, I found the flyer for GloColis competition through IYSA's Instagram. Without further ado, we immediately invited Bian and Sofya to join our team,” she added.


“We came up with innovative ideas from the problems/anxieties around us. I got anxious when I was doing clinical practice in a mental hospital, namely the high occurence of drug withdrawal in schizophrenic patients. Once the idea formed, I proceeded to form a team. I invited my juniors from the class of 2020, so that they can continue the competitive spirits in the following years. After that, we did brainstorming and compiled a paper in accordance to the competition guidelines. The next important thing is to discuss it with our supervisor, Mrs. Duma who is our Mental Nursing lecturer, regarding our ideas and writing methods. We also asked for feedback from our senior, Bang Alfian, who had participated in international competitions and practiced our presentation in front of him. It was quite a challenge, even more so that the preparation had to be done in-between classes and our organization workload,” she continued.

On the other hand, Bayu as his team's representative, told the PR team that he and his team participated in GloColis because they were inspired by the previous competitions, “What made us want to take part in this competition was because we were inspired by previous competitions. We tried to keep up with the international level by bringing in the latest developments and innovations of our work. Besides that, seeing that the organizers was a big collaboration between prestigious institutions, we became interested in participating in order to get a certificate from them,” said Bayu.

Bayu and his team made preparations to take part in this competition by dividing jobdesk between members, “The preparations we made were by dividing jobdesk for the creation of the required documents, such as Extended Abstract and PowerPoint which had to be submitted. In addition, our team conducted experiments related to the research to ensure that the results were valid and successfully implemented," explained Bayu.


Each team had their own ups and downs, “As usual, one of the difficulties we faced was being pressed by time: It was difficult to find sufficient research material and to obtain the best research results so it took a long time. By the time we finished, we were only able to compile the required documents and registration forms at last minute. The joy for us is getting actual experience in experimenting, and our experiment is an applied science that can later be useful and help the community in reducing cooking oil waste and egg shells. We were also able to form friendships with other participants who took part in the 2022 GloCoLiS event,” explained Bayu in his interview.


Bayu and his team also managed to get the MYSO special award, which is the right to get free access for the next international competition.

Meanwhile, Luthfianah and her team considered the competition as a laboratory for experimentation. “We feel like there is no sorrow. My team and I considered this competition as our laboratory for experimenting. If we won, we will celebrate it, and if we didn't, we will try in other competitions. For the joys, we have many of them, one of which is that working in a team and exchanging ideas automatically eliminated the gap between different generations. Besides that, we were able to exercise our English language skills by speaking during presentations," added Luthfiana.

Both Bayu and Luthfiana gave a message to all students of UPNVJ to always take advantage of the opportunities given.

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