Last Friday, April 22nd 2022, the Faculty of Law of UPN Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) officially held the grand opening for the 4th National Conference on Law Studies 2022 with the theme "The Development of Indonesian Law in the Era of Digitalization and Post-Covid-19 Pandemic" which was conducted online.
Chairman of the 4th National Conference on Law Studies 2022, Dr. Handar Subhandi Bakhtiar, S.H., M.H. M.Tr.Adm.Kes on his speech said that the implementation of the 4th NCOLS was a series of events to commemorate the 22nd Anniversary of the UPNVJ Faculty of Law in 2022
"This event also acts as an arena for scientific discussions for academics and the general public in discussing legal developments, especially in the Digitalization Era and Post-Covid-19 Pandemic. The results of the 4th NCOLS implementation will later be published in the Proceedings of the National Seminar and the Best Manuscript will be published in an Accredited Journal of the Faculty of Law of UPNVJ," said Handar.
Regarding this, the Rector of UPN Veteran Jakarta, Dr. Erna Herawati, AK, CPMA, CA, CGOP stated that she really appreciates the consistency of this event, coupled with the event's theme which is very relevant to the current situation so that it can provide responsive efforts. Then, she continued saying that she hoped the 4th NCOLS event would have many benefits, not only for UPNVJ but also could touch the government arena through the publication of the journals that would be submitted.
In addition, the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Dr. Abdul Halim, M. Ag also said “Faculty of Law will be 22 years old on April 24th next Sunday. With high enthusiasm, the Faculty of Law has become one of the faculties with two undergraduate and postgraduate study programs and will be enhanced with the addition of doctoral study programs in the near future. By God's will and by the support as well as prayers from everyone, Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program was able to exist in order to nurture students to be better, and also produce superior and capable people," he said.
On this occasion, the Faculty of Law invited the Deputy Chief of Indonesian National Police, Police Commissioner General Dr. Drs Gatot Eddy Pramono, M. Si as the keynote speaker.
At the beginning of his speech, Commissioner General Gatot Eddy did not forget to give his felicitation on the 22nd birthday of Faculty of Law of UPNVJ.
On this occasion, he delivered a discussion on Globalization Dynamics Affecting Various Phenomena of Uncertainty, Change, Complexity, and Ambiguity.
This time, Commissioner General Gatot Eddy emphasized the appeal that it is very necessary to have a sense of vigilance and alertness to the development of science and technology. This needs to be emphasized in order to avoid cyber crime and to anticipate the uncertainty of the unseen with the rapid changes of time.
Apart from the Police Commissioner General Gatot Eddy, in this year's NCOLS activity, the Faculty of Law had prepared 5 (five) guest speakers who are of course experts from each topic presented.
The theme of "The Challenge of Law Reformation in the Era of Digitalization and Post-Covid-19 Pandemic" was raised by the first speaker, Dr. Dhahana Putra, BC. IP., S.H., as Expert Staff for Inter-Agency Relations, Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia.
Dhahana discussed the ITE Law which he felt needed to be reviewed to keep Indonesia's digital space clean.
"I felt that there are still many rules with 'loopholes' or can be interpreted as injustice over the presence of multiple interpretations of each of these articles. He stated that it is good news for the community that the PKS Bill has been passed and the information technology-based case handling system has made it easier for justice to be served in Indonesia, even though there are many obstacles during this pandemic," he explained.
As the second guest speaker, Acting Deputy for Human, Community and Cultural Development at the Ministry of National Development Planning, Dr. Ir. Subhandi Sarjoko, M.Sc raised the topic "Direction of National Development in the Era of Digitalization and Post-Covid-19 Pandemic."
In addition, there was Joko Subagyo, S.H., M.T. who is the Head of the Legal Bureau of the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency as the third speaker, who explained that it is necessary to use technology and information and communication to provide services to the use of the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE).
"Electronic digital certificate issuance will start from state-owned land first, due to the unpreparedness of the community in accepting the digitalization," he concluded.
Prof. Bambang Waluyo, S.H., M.H. as Professor of the Faculty of Law, UPNVJ, talked about "Criminal Law Renewal in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period."
"Concentration on criminal law in the scope of digitalization when the pandemic hits needs to be a study that is carried out consistently to avoid arbitrariness over the implementation of many new rules. Supervision of this matter needs to be annulled into the renewal of the substance of the Criminal Law," said Prof. Bambang
"There is a renewal of the scope of legislation, infrastructure, law enforcement, society, and culture. In this all-electronic state, there must be firmness from law enforcement to keep synchronizing properly. Because the attitude of law enforcement is very much awaited to gradually protect justice in the material and formal system," he added.
The next discussion was carried out by Dr. Wicipto Setiadi, S.H., M.H., lecturer of UPNVJ Faculty of Law who discussed the concept and development of PUU formation in the Digitalization Era and Post-Covid-19 Pandemic.