UPNVJ Conducts Study at Siliwangi University Regarding Chancellor Selection

UPNVJ PR - The selection of the highest leader in the university (Rector) is something that must be done with full professionalism and responsibility. Based on this, the team from UPNVJ tried to conduct a study at Siliwangi University. Siliwangi University was chosen as a study destination due to several considerations, including that UNSIL had just finished carrying out their rector election quite successfully.

Tuesday, June 27, the team from UPN consisted of 6 members namely Satria Yudhia (Head of SPI), Budhi Martana (FT Lecturer), Early Krisnanik (FIK lecturer), Jenji Gunaedi (FEB lecturer), Heru Sugiyono (FH lecturer) and Windhi Saputra ( FISIP lecturer) was assigned to go to Siliwangi University (UNSILl). After traveling for approximately 6 hours, the group finally arrived at UNSIL. The team was greeted by Prof. Dr. Nundang Busaeri (Rector), Prof. Deden Mulyana, S.E., M.Si (Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs) and Dr. H. Gumilar Mulya, M.Pd (Vice Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance).

Satria expressed his deep gratitude for warmly welcoming the team from UPNVJ. “I represent the group from UPNVJ very grateful to the Chancellor and the Warek for welcoming us very special. May we continue to have this excellent relationship.”

Satria added that UPNVJ and UNSIL can work together in everything. “Hopefully UPNVJ and Unsil cooperate and help each other in every way. Because our goal is definitely the same, which is to educate the nation in their respective regions,” he said.


In the presentation opened by the 1st Vice Rector, Deden told his experience when he was on the rector selection committee. For him, the most important thing in this process is that everything that is done must have a basis. “For this Rector election regulation, we refer to Ministerial Regulation No. 19 of 2017. Of course, we all use that as a reference. Everything must be based on existing regulations, because if it comes out even a little it will definitely be considered a legal defect," he added.

In his presentation, Deden also said that his party always reports to the central ministry every step it takes. "Every step we take, we always report to the ministry. In addition, we always present the ministry in every series of events that we do. Everything is well documented."

The afternoon event was closed by welcoming and having dinner with the Rector, the Vice Rectors and the team from UPNVJ.

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