UPNVJ Delegation Received by Ambassador Dr. Fadjroel Rahman

UPNVJ PR - Delegation of international cooperation at the Jakarta Veterans National Development University led by the Rector, Prof. Dr. Erna Hernawati, Ak., CPMA., CA., CGOP, was warmly welcomed by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (LBBP) and all staff of the Indonesian Embassy in Nur Sultan, Kazakhstan. (13/6)

At the beginning of the meeting, in his speech the Indonesian LBBP Ambassador to Kazakhstan and Tajikistan, Dr. Fadjroel Rachman expressed his appreciation and gratitude because Indonesian State Universities had begun to collaborate again with universities in Kazakhstan. UPNVJ in this case became the first university to visit when the Covid-19 pandemic in Kazakhstan was over. The Ambassador considered that what UPNVJ did to collaborate with universities in Kazakhstan was considered appropriate because the conditions and challenges faced by higher education were relatively the same. Indonesia and Kazakhstan are also in the middle of transforming the quality of education in their respective countries and making efforts to internationalize their education. In some ways the transformation of education in Kazakhstan is going very fast and it is exemplary for new PTNs such as UPNVJ.

At the end of his speech, the LBBP Ambassador of Kazakhstan and Tajikistan also promised to provide full support for the continuation of the Indonesian Corner which had been established at Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Almaty, Kazakhstan. In the Ambassador's view, this corner is strategically valuable as an entry point for cooperation, cultural exchange, to strengthen and broaden relations between the two universities of Indonesia and Kazakhstan.

In the meeting, the Rector of UPNVJ who was accompanied by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Dr. Anter Venus, M.A., the dean of FISIP, the dean of FEB and the dean of FIK along with the Head of the UPNVJ International Office, expressed their gratitude for all the assistance provided by the Indonesian Embassy Nur Sultan, so that the cooperation between UPNVJ and Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Almaty and Eurasian National University, Nur Sultan, Kazakhstan can run smoothly.


On that occasion, the Rector also conveyed the agreement that had been reached between UPNVJ and Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Almaty in the form of: Implementation of student exchanges, exchange of lecturers both online and offline, joint research and publications, opening of Indonesian Corner, opening of Central Asia Corner at UPNVJ and international student competitions involving UPNVJ students, Kazakh Ablai Khan University, Eurasia National University.

Regarding the implementation of student exchanges, it has been agreed that the exchanges are reciprocal and face-to-face (offline). The activity, which will involve FISIP and FEB students, will begin in the odd semester of the 2022/2023 academic year with twenty students from UPNVJ who will go to study for one semester at Ablai Khan University and twenty students from Ablai Khan University will come to UPNVJ to attend face-to-face lectures.

Overall the agreement made between UPNVJ and Ablai Khan University is very concrete because in principle the signing and agreement made is a follow-up to the student and lecturer exchange activities that have been and are taking place this semester at the two universities.

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