UPN Veteran Jakarta and USK sign PKS regarding "Promise UT"

HumasUPNVJ - The Open University (UT) collaborates with UPN Veteran Jakarta and Syiah Kuala University (USK) regarding the UT Procurement Information System (ProMISe) as an information system for planning the procurement of goods and services on Friday (19/08/2022) in the UT Quality Center building Floor 3. The Cooperation Agreement (PKS) was attended by the Chancellor of the Open University Prof. Ojat Darojat M. Bus. Ph.D, Chancellor of UPN Veterans Jakarta Prof. Dr. Erna Hernawati Ak. CPMA, USK Deputy Chancellor II Prof. Dr. Marwan, S.si., M.Si, and their staff.

In his remarks, Prof. Ojat really appreciated the presence of UPN Veteran Jakarta and USK directly at UT to sign a cooperation agreement. He said that changes in governance in goods and services are currently experiencing extraordinary leaps along with progress in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). According to him, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has changed everything and had an impact on the world of education both for internal management such as teaching and learning activities, teaching materials to administrative services.

With regards to ProMISe, Prof. Ojat explained that ProMISe had provided UT with a good total margin starting from HPS 11 billion, which could save 50% with better quality, faster processing, and lower prices. With the use of this technology there is no longer a manual work process. For this reason, he hopes that the presence of the ProMISe super apps can advance management in tertiary institutions.

Furthermore, there was a speech from the Chancellor of UPN Veterans Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Erna Hernawati Ak. CPMA who expressed their gratitude to UT, because UPN is a new PTN that still needs guidance regarding the management of goods and services. he hopes that UPN and UT can work together well.

Then there was a final remark, by USK Deputy Chancellor II Prof. Dr. Marwan, S.si., M.Si. He expressed his appreciation by thanking UT for the time to study together about the ProMISe super apps application. He hopes that this application can be used for PJJ activities when USK has become a PTN-BH.

The event continued with the signing between UT and UPN Veteran Jakarta which was carried out by Prof. Ali Multiyanto as UT Vice Chancellor for Finance and General Affairs with Dr. Prasetyo Hadi as Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance at UPN Veterans Jakarta witnessed by the Chancellor of UT. Then, it was followed by an exchange of souvenirs carried out by the Chancellor of UT Prof. Ojat and UPNVJ Chancellor Prof. Dr. Erna.

While the signing of UT and USK was carried out by Prof. Ali with Prof. Marwan as USK's Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance, witnessed by the UT Chancellor. Then, it was followed by an exchange of souvenirs carried out by the Chancellor of UT Prof. Ojat and USK Deputy Chancellor Prof. Dr. Marwan. The implementation of this event went smoothly and ended with a group photo session.


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