HumasUPNVJ - Every year, the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) at the Jakarta Veterans National Development University (UPNVJ) organizes a Research and Community Service Week (Lit and Abdimas Week) to disseminate research results and community service to UPNVJ lecturers as well as reach out to various groups including the community, media, government, and business, as well as other universities. This year, we intend to go further than just dissemination; we want to build and strengthen collaboration with various penta-helix parties to increase the relevance of UPNVJ's research and community service in order to contribute to social change and community welfare more concretely.
Departing from this wish, LPPM UPNVJ held a 2022 Research and Community Service Week with the theme "Building Pentahelix Synergy in the Context of Increasing Research Relevance and Community Service" which was held in a hybrid manner which lasted for five days. (22/8)
The event was opened by Disa Prihantini as the MC and for the smooth running of the event. Furthermore, remarks and opening by the Rector of UPNVJ, Prof. Erna Hernawati. In his remarks, the Chancellor advised that this activity can be put to good use by the internal environment of lecturers and students "As it is known that in the tridarma lecturers are required to conduct research and service which is in line with the activities carried out by LPPM", he said
The Chancellor also advised the Mr and Mrs Dean both face to face and online to disseminate this activity, especially to students so they are familiar with research activities and community service. This activity can also be related to courses such as research methodology where students are required to attend one to two times with proof of attendance which can be done in coordination with the head of LPPM," continued the Rector.
Also attending were Budi Arie Setiadi as Deputy Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Indonesian Transmigration. In this session, Budi Arie said that accelerating development has increased people's welfare and until now community development has become the main focus, "As we know the development of rural areas is a bearing on social welfare. The village is a major contributor to equitable development in Indonesia. This can be seen from the Gini index of villages which are very left behind from cities. In fact, village progress contributes 65% of a large portion of the potential of an area," he explained
The activity continued with the presentation of material from Ir. Ady Setiawan, Special Staff for the Regent of Indramayu for Higher Education Policy, Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs Dr. Anter Venus and Head of Bappeda Depok, Drs. Dad