Still with the aim of strengthening relations, LPPM UPNVJ made a comparative study to Padjadjaran University

HumasUPNVJ - UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM UPNVJ) conducted a comparative study visit to the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM) Padjadjaran University, Bandung, West Java. (2/9)

Head of LPPM UPNVJ, Dr. Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem expressed his gratitude for the opportunity and friendly welcome from the DRPM of Padjadjaran University. "Thank you because we have been given the opportunity to be able to do a comparative study with Padjadjaran University. Through this comparative study activity, we hope to be able to discuss research and community service," he said

Then, the activity continued with the presentation of profiles and also data related to research and community service that had been carried out by both parties. Interestingly, Padjadjaran University applies a regulation that every lecturer is required to carry out research and community service that are mutually sustainable. "Usually, what often happens is that lecturers conduct research and community service separately. Because of that, from Padjadjaran University it is obligatory for every lecturer's research to be applied in community service," said Prof. Rizky Abdullah, Ph.D., Apt.


Prof. further Rizky also said that each lecturer could receive a grant after completing the research and community service. "Later, each lecturer will receive remuneration which includes all incentives," he continued.

Prof. Rizky Abdullah also explained that there is a DRPM at the Faculty level which plays a very important role in supporting and also facilitating research and community service carried out by lecturers. After that, the DRPM from each Faculty of Padjadjaran University will collect data related to research and community service every month, "So later there will be verification from the Faculty and also the University. With this collaboration, the flow of research submissions and community service is more focused," he concluded.

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