Director of Pusdik Pol Air together with National Police Dikbangspes Diving Students Visit the UPNVJ Hyperbaric Facility


HumasUPNVJ - Tuesday (4/10) was quite a historic day for UPN Veteran Jakarta. This time the State Defense Campus was visited by the Director of Pusdik Pol Air (Police Education Center), Kombes Pol. Jemmy Rosdiantoro, S.ST.MK., SH with a group of Dikbangspes Diving National Police students. This visit was carried out in the context of carrying out the final project of Dikbangspes Diving National Police TA students. 2022 which ends on October 5 2022. It is hoped that the visit of students and instructors will not only establish good cooperation between Pusdik Pol Air and UPNVJ, but also to broaden the knowledge of students from Polda throughout Indonesia and to increase the knowledge of Pusdik PolAir educators .

The welcoming ceremony for the group began with remarks from the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Antar Venus. Venus said, as an educational institution, her job is to spread knowledge in order to educate the nation's life. "So this visit is a visit that we have been waiting for because our passion is indeed to educate and collaborate. "We hope this visit does not stop here but there are follow-ups, for example in the form of an MoU. If this is done, the National Police can be the only superior element of defense and security in this field of diving," he said

Kombes Pol. Jemmy Rosdiantoro, expressed his joy to be able to work with UPNVJ in this activity. Jemmy said “It is an honor and pride for us (Pusdik Pol Air) to be able to work with UPNVJ. Thank you very much for the Chancellor, Prof.Dr. Erna Hernawati, and our respectful greetings to Prof. Guritno," concluded Kombes Pol. Jemmy

The group of 68 people besides utilizing the Human Hyperbaric facility, also visited other facilities at UPNVJ, including Hematology, Nutritional Physiology, Neuroscience, and Animal hyperbaric accompanied by Prof. Dr. M. Guritno Suryo Kusumo, who is also an expert in the Hyperbaric Chamber of oxygen therapy at UPNVJ.

For information, hyperbaric therapy is usually used to treat decompression sickness that is often experienced by divers. But recently, hyperbaric therapy is also commonly used as a medical aid to treat various diseases. Because it is considered capable of increasing the body's ability to fight infection, reduce inflammation, and help speed up the wound healing process.


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