Visiting UPNVJ, UNSIL Chancellor Conducts IKU Achievement Benchmarking

HumasUPNVJ - Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 03 of 2020 concerning National Higher Education Standards and Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 754/P/020 concerning Main Performance Indicators of State Universities (IKU-PTN) imply that every higher education institution is expected to always carry out educational transformations that are relevant and in line with the 8 (eight) KPIs. 2022 itself was an achievement year for UPNVJ because it succeeded in becoming the first in the KPI achievements for the PTN Satker category. Based on this, Siliwangi University feels that this achievement is one of the strong reasons for conducting a working visit in order to benchmark KPI achievement tips to UPNVJ on Wednesday (5/10). Visiting participants from Siliwangi University namely; Dr. Ir. Nundang Busaeri, MT, IPU., As Chancellor of Unsil and Head of AKPK Bureau, Dr. Drs. Ade Rustiana, M.Si, along with several team members.

The delegation was warmly welcomed by the Chancellor of UPNVJ, Prof. Dr. Erna Hernawati AK.CPMA, CA, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Dr. Anther Venus, MA. Comm, AKPK Bureau Head, Intan Hesti and several other coordinating officials.

In his interview, Nundang said he was grateful to UPNVJ. "Alhamdulillah, today UNSIL can visit UPN Jakarta so that we can gain experience as well as inspiration and motivation regarding the IKU that has been carried out by UPNVJ. Hopefully UNSIL can participate in carrying out what was mandated by the Minister, "he said.


Nundang hopes that all PTNs can work together in this matter. "We have to carry out this mandate as well as possible, it seems we have to be collaborative, participatory and synergistic. So that we are stronger, and if there is something lacking, we can fill each other up," he concluded.

UPNVJ Chancellor, Erna, added that in the future a curriculum and syllabus would also be prepared, especially related to State Defense Education and Komcad (Reserve Component).

This meeting was held in the Archipelago Hall 1, Rector's Building and went according to the main agenda, namely regarding tips for achieving IKU that can be accommodated by Unsil. The event ended with a suave between the two parties.


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