Supporting Paperless, the Chancellor Inaugurates the Use of the SINDE Application in the UPNVJ Environment

HumasUPNVJ - In connection with the transformation program within the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta and in the context of carrying out administrative duties and functions regulated in Permendikbud Number 11 of 2018 as last amended by Permendikbud Number 9 of 2019, as well as the socialization of changing the name of the letter system which has been known as E-Office has changed to the Electronic Service Document System (SINDE) based on the Secretary General's official letter Number 113654/A.A6.TU/2019 concerning Evaluation of the Electronic Service Document System.

Based on these considerations, Vice Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance Dr. Prasetyo Hadi carried out activities to improve the quality of administrative services through Socialization and Technical Assistance on the Use of SINDE which was carried out in the Hall of the MerCe Building Floor 8, UPNVJ Limo Campus on December 16 2022. The activity was attended by representatives from each sub-satker at UPNVJ, totaling 60 people, namely from the Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor, Dean, Head of Institution to the HTL Sub-coordinator.


In his report, Pras said that this activity is very important to pay close attention to because in January 2023 it will be implemented at UPNVJ. "This is UPNVJ's target so that in January we will realize the use of this application for all operators in the UPNVJ sub-satker. Later, all employees will receive mail administration via the SINDE application on their cellphones

This activity is filled with material on how to use the SINDE application which can be used on platforms based on Apple IOS and Android and browsers on computers. The resource person who delivered the material was a team from the Ministry of Education and Culture and Research and Technology, namely Anuha, Lucky Pradana and Gita Tri Widiasti.


The activity continued with directions from the Chancellor of UPNVJ, Anter Venus. In her briefing, Venus said that in the transformation program initiated by UPNVJ, this program is very relevant to implement. " This is an important day for us, in the big framework we are carrying out a transformation. We are committed to digital transformation for all correspondence and filing. This step is also aligned with improvements across ministries ”.

The Chancellor also advised to take part in this workshop intensively, "I ask for your attention because starting in January we will switch everything to digital through SINDE to manage correspondence and filing more effectively and efficiently making us even better."

With the support of information and communication technology, distance is no longer a problem. One of the efforts to embed all work units within the UPNVJ environment is strengthening management through the use of technology. Thus, services can be optimal without being constrained by distance. In the change in the name of the mailing application which was previously E-Office to SINDE, there has also been an assessment update, namely previously it only facilitated the head of the satker, now the application can be used up to the coordinator level.


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