The UPNVJ Batch 2 PMM Participants' Release Was Festive

HumasUPNVJ - The Independent Student Exchange Program in 2022 (PMM 2) is a domestic student exchange program for 1 (one) semester that invites students who are the nation's successors, to gain learning experience at the best tertiary institutions (PT) throughout Indonesia. UPN Veteran Jakarta is one of the universities participating in this PMM 2 activity. The quota opened by UPNVJ was 100 participants, who registered 130 students and who passed the selection: 63 students, but the number of active participants (students) was 56 students.


Syiah Kuala University 7 students, North Sumatra University 6 students, Malikussaleh University 5 students, HKBP Nommensen University 4 students, Riau Islamic University 3 students, Khairun University 3 students, Indonesian Muslim University 3 students, Medan State University 3 students, Udayana University 3 students , Helvetia Health Institute 2 students, Andalas University 2 students, Prima Indonesia University 2 students, Lubuk Pakam Medistra Health Institute 1 student, North Sumatra Health Institute 1 student, Umel College of Economics 1 student, Borneo Tarakan University 1 student, Bosowa University 1 student, Halu Oleo University 1 student, Mataram University 1 student, Muhammadiyah University Bengkulu 1 student, Muhammadiyah University East Kalimantan 1 student, Nusa Cendana University 1 student, Ganesha Education University 1 student, Sam Ratulangi University 1 student, and Sriwijaya University 1 student.

Anter Venus, the Chancellor of UPNVJ officially released 56 UPNVJ batch 2 PMM participants. The release was held face-to-face at the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium UPNVJ but still implementing the Covid-19 health protocol. (16/12)


"We warmly welcome all of our children, UPNVJ PMM 2 participants from all over Indonesia, hopefully a lot of useful knowledge can be taken from UPNVJ. In accordance with the objectives of this PMM program, we hope that students will be able to increase their national insight and national bonding media among students throughout Indonesia, through intercultural learning, be able to develop leadership and soft skills that are adaptive to various backgrounds, be able to provide opportunities for students to gain learning experience at PT Recipients, as well as getting credit recognition and being able to strengthen, add to, and enrich student competencies. 56 PM 2 participants spread across FISIP, FEB, FH, FIK, FIKES and FT. Apart from in-class learning, there are several Nusantara Module activities, namely visiting historical places in Jakarta and its surroundings, including: Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park, Betawi Village, Monas Monument and Istiqlal Mosque," said Venus in her remarks.

The PMM 2 participants also took part in several campus ORMAWA activities, including FRDM (Student Research and Debate Forum) , STVJ (Jakarta Veterans Dance Art) , Buveja (Jakarta Veterans Badminton) and UBV (UKM veteran band).

This release activity was also filled with various interesting performances from UPNVJ PMM 2 participants, such as Malay dance, Ake Santosa dance, Tor Tor dance, singing, reading poetry and musical dramas.

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