Chancellor & Warek Ensure Asset Management Runs Well

HumasUPNVJ - UPN "Veteran" Jakarta within the PTN-BLU framework always tries to optimize the assets it has so that good and efficient asset management and excellent service are realized. Anter Venus as the Chancellor is very concerned about this matter so that he is willing to visit and have dialogue with the asset managers which in this case are divided into two functions, namely: 1) UPNVJ official transportation pool and 2) State Property Warehouse (BMN). Not alone, the Chancellor was accompanied by the Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance and the Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation.

The visit, which was conducted on Friday (27/01) located in Pangkalan Jati, Pondok Labu, aims to ensure good governance, "So, this visit wants to ensure that in principle the management of both the transportation fleet and BMN is carried out with good governance." Venus said when met by the PR team.

UPNVJ's BLU status requires asset optimization, moreover, it is hoped that it can also generate income. This income will later be used to improve services in the UPNVJ environment, especially for students so that welfare will increase.


To the PR team, Venus reported that UPNVJ has so far been able to utilize vehicle assets as part of income generating activities, "... In principle, vehicles can be rented by all UPNVJ residents at an adjusted price." he added.

In addition to optimizing vehicle assets, Venus also entrusted the official transportation pool management team to carry out maintenance and services related to vehicles. The pool manager is obliged to ensure that all drivers have work standards and are able to provide the best service to support operational activities at UPNVJ.

Meanwhile, related to the efficiency mentioned by Venus above, UPNVJ will as much as possible distribute old goods that are still of high quality and usable to rooms that need these goods. This is also included in the effort to improve the management of BMN which is planned to start from recording, transportation, storage, monitoring, and distribution, "We don't need to give new goods but use old goods whose quality is still decent. If you buy new, the price can be billions, hundreds of millions." Obviously Venus leads to budget efficiency.



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