Management Change, UPNVJ Appoints New Ormawa and UKM Management for the 2023 Period

HumasUPNVJ – Student organizations and also student activity units at the university level have all experienced a transition of management. The new chairmen today, Tuesday (26/01) took place at the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium Lt. 4, was officially appointed by the Chancellor of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta.

This inauguration activity referred to the Chancellor's Decree/No. 55/No. 56/ and No. 57/UN61.0 HK.02/2023 respectively regarding the appointment of 2023 Student Consultative Council (MPM) officials, appointment of University Student Executive Board (BEM) officials 2023, and regarding the appointment of the 2023 Student Activity Unit (UKM) management within the UPNVJ environment.

"Today, Thursday, January 26 2023, I am Anter Venus, Chancellor of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, officially inaugurating you as administrators of the Student Consultative Council, members of the Student Executive Board, and members of the Student Activity Unit for the 2023 period. May God Almighty always give His blessings and blessings to all of us. Venus said firmly when appointing the new board of directors.


On this occasion, Venus also did not forget to appreciate the Deputy Deans for Student Affairs and Cooperation and UKM Advisors for their commitment and dedication in assisting students, especially those who are members of student organizations. “This matter is very important. Not only for organizational development but also for improving student achievement.” Venus said in welcoming the new management.

Venus shared her personal experience when she was still active as Chair of the Association and also as an activist. According to him, through student organizations they can build a wider network, gain leadership values, provide greater self-confidence, and get additional pocket money. Venus said all of these things so that the new management would be motivated in carrying out their duties and responsibilities.


Venus administrators advised to provide equal opportunities for all students to participate in student organizations. The hope is that during the recruitment process, the acceptance of members is not limited by the applicant's GPA, “….My friend is a commissioner now, before his GPA was only 2.5. So actually GPA has nothing to do with your success especially if you want to be an activist.” Obviously.

Not only that, Venus emphasized that student organizations are basically educative in nature. UPNVJ strongly opposes student organization activities that involve violence and bullying, "Ormawa must be educative in nature, there should be no hazing because we are an academic institution. I will take a firm stance, I will also encourage Warek 3 to act decisively if something like that happens.” Venus warned the students.

Through this inauguration activity, it can be seen that the position of Chairperson of MPM was occupied by Khaerul Anam, a student of the Law Study Program. Meanwhile, the management of BEM University for the 2023 period is chaired by Rifqi Adyatma Pradana, a student of the Political Science Study Program and Intan Safitri, a student of the Industrial Engineering Study Program as deputy chairmen. Then there were 28 SMEs that were inaugurated today.


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