129 Young Doctors of FK UPNVJ Inaugurated and Said Professional Oath


Public Relations of UPNVJ - The Faculty of Medicine of the National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta (FK UPNVJ) held the Inauguration and Oath of Young Doctors Period 69 of the Faculty of Medicine UPNVJ Academic Year 2024/2025 with a total of 129 Young Doctors at the Cipto Mangunkusump Building, FK UPNVJ on Wednesday, January 15, 2025.

The Inauguration and Oath of the Young Doctors' Clerkship is an activity organized by the Undergraduate Medical Study Program (PSKPS) of the Faculty of Medicine in order to confirm the Bachelor of Medicine degree to Medical students who have completed their undergraduate education at the Faculty of Medicine.

With this inauguration, young doctors are required to increase their sense of responsibility, both towards the profession, society and the country.

"Congratulations to the 129 Doctors who have completed their Bachelor of Medicine degree and have memorized the Young Doctor's pledge to continue to the Professional Doctor stage," said the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. dr. Taufiq Fredrik Pasiak in his speech.

"I remind the intern students to maintain ethics and religious norms during their intern studies at the main teaching hospital or the UPNVJ Faculty of Medicine Network Teaching Hospital," he continued.

The Open Session was opened by the Chairperson of the Senate of the FK UPNVJ, dr. Hikmah Muktamiroh, M.MedED, Sp.KKLP, while the academic report was delivered by the Head of the FK UPNVJ Study Program, dr. Agneta Irmarahayu, M.Pd.Ked, Sp.KKLP.

Vice Dean for Student Affairs dr. Erna Harfiani, M.Si read the Rector's Decree following the 69th Registrar's Oath which was declared passed.

In its implementation, the academic report was submitted directly by the Head of the UPNVJ Medical Faculty Study Program, Dr. Agneta Irmarahayu, M.Pd.Ked, Sp.KKLP regarding students who participated in the 69th Period of Young Doctors' Undergraduate Medical Doctors' Pledge.

In her report, dr. Agneta, said that the FK UPNVJ Academic Year 2024/2025 has 129 students consisting of three students from the 2018 Class, three students from the 2020 Class and 123 students from the 2021 Class.

"Thus, the number of medical graduates produced by the undergraduate medical study program up to this period is 4,010 medical graduates. The highest cumulative achievement index is 3.85 achieved by NIM 2110211100 on behalf of Naura Fadhilah," explained dr. Agneta.

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