The Vice Rector of Student Affairs and Collaboration Mandates UPNVJ Citizens to Transform


HumasUPNVJ - As usual, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta holds a flag ceremony every 17th. This time, January 17th, it takes place at the Ceremony Field in front of dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo is the first ceremony in 2023. The enthusiasm of the teaching staff, lecturers, and students in participating in the ceremony has never been extinguished, as evidenced by the large number of ceremony participants who attended.

On this occasion, the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation, Dr. dr. Ria Maria Theresa, SpKJ., MH mandated all of the UPNVJ academic community to carry out transformations so they could develop. This is due to disruption due to technology, changes in institutional status, increasingly open competition and demands for the implementation of various progressive policies in the field of higher education. The transformation that Ria means in this case is starting from the transformation of human resources and their management procedures, academic quality and culture, to institutional transformation.


"Currently we are in a very challenging situation, disruption due to technological demands that change the landscape of education, demands for changes in institutional status, opportunities for collaboration as well as an increasingly open competition, the implementation of progressive policies in the field of higher education requires us to carry out transformations so that we continue to able to thrive." Said Ria firmly in her message.

Furthermore, Ria gave a brief review of student activities that were successfully carried out in 2022. As for the activities, namely; 1) Independent Campus Exchange Program, 2) Kaleidoscope 2022, preparation of reporting documents for 2022. Not only that, it was also informed that the Faculty of Medicine was preparing a new Radiology Specialist study program and also the fact that UPNVJ had marked the boundaries of campus land assets located in Tanjungsari , Bogor on December 28, 2022.


Finally, Ria appealed to all civitas academica and employees for the efficient use of electricity in natural resources in order to support the Go Green movement in accordance with the Chancellor's Circular Number 131/UN61/TU/2022, "I ask all campus residents to continue to save energy by using electricity. just what's necessary." he urged.

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