Strengthening the Governance of the Education Public Service Agency, UPNVJ Presents the Director of PPK BLU, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia

HumasUPNVJ - In order to increase knowledge about BLU governance in Higher Education environments, especially at UPN Veteran Jakarta, the Chancellor invited Agung Yulianta, SE, M.Sc as Director of PPK BLU Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia to provide detailed information dissemination regarding Public Service Bodies in the Education environment. This socialization activity was carried out face-to-face at the UPNVJ Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium by presenting all university officials, starting from the Deputy Chancellors, Heads of Institutions, Heads of Bureaus, Deans, Heads of UPTs and their respective ranks. (10/2)


Anter Venus, the Chancellor of UPNVJ gave a flashback to UPNVJ having BLU status, "UPN Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) officially holds the status of Higher Education with Public Service Agency (PTN BLU), the change in status is based on the Decree of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia number: 209/KMK.05 /2021 which is set for May 31, 2021. As we know, "Venus said in his remarks

“The BLU status is essentially flexibility in managing finances and the essence of this flexibility is in the hands of the vice chancellors for general affairs and finance. Each PTN BLU is expected to be able to improve services, develop aspects of an entrepreneurial spirit and a prudent spirit in its management. In addition to the financial management flexibility that can be obtained from this change in status, future students will enjoy improved services and improved infrastructure in the quality of learning provided by UPNVJ. In addition, the increase in accreditation that UPNVJ is working on will provide benefits and provisions for students as fulfillment of the requirements to enter the industrial world, "he continued


Agung Yulianta explained that BLU Education does not only record its financial performance, "As stated by the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, BLU Education does not only discuss financial matters, but also focuses on education services that can provide opportunities for students to become a capable generation. work productively, have character, and be able to continue to innovate,” said Agung

"With the existing flexibility, it is hoped that it will accelerate the improvement of the quality of education services which will benefit Indonesia, such as: Improving the Quality of Human Resources, Increasing the Number of Competent Workers, Encouraging National Economic Growth, Equalizing National Literacy Levels and Supporting Indonesia in Global Competition," he continued

Agung also explained many things in detail, starting from the Kaleidoscope of BLU Institutional Development and Strengthening from year to year, BLU Budgeting Principles, Use of BLU Cash Watch Balance, Management of Cash, Receivables, Debt, Procurement of Goods/Services, to Asset Management and Business Units if needed.


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