Two Selected Candidates Describe the Vision and Mission of FEB Dean Candidates

HumasUPNVJ - The election period for the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business has entered the stage of exposing the dean candidates. The presentation program for the dean candidates was held on Thursday (23/02) in the Nusantara 1 meeting room, UPN Veteran Jakarta. After going through an extension of the registration period, the committee finally succeeded in selecting two dean candidates who met the requirements. The two candidates are Dr. Dian Wicaksih Arieftiara, SE., Ak., M.Ak and Dr. Jubaedah, SE., MM. In the information submitted by the committee, previously there were three candidates who registered but one withdrew.


The event was opened by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Dr. R Duddy Heryadi. In his opening speech, Duddy said that as a long-standing faculty at UPNVJ, FEB should have competent leadership candidates. "FEB is a fairly qualified faculty at UPN. Hopefully later the members of the senate who hold this important key can choose the best of the best. I know these two dean candidates very well, they are very worthy to lead FEB. Hopefully the others can also support and bring better progress to the progress of FEB," said Dudy

The election for the Dean of FEB has been held seven times, so it can be said that this faculty is quite mature in carrying out its duties and functions. Through this event, dean candidates must explain their vision and mission as well as their work programs. The time allotted is 60 minutes for each candidate, with details of 20 minutes for presentation and 40 minutes for question and answer duration between the audience and the dean candidates. Exposure is carried out alternately.

The first exposure was carried out by Dr. Jubaedah. The Doctor who graduated in Business Management from Unpad Class of 2015 conveyed his jargon, namely Solid Synergy to realize the vision of FEB UPNVJ through Professionalism-Based Transformation and Humanist Leadership for Sustainable Prosperity. According to Jubaedah, deans must be able to be leaders who are willing to listen, accept criticism as feedback for organizational improvement, not be authoritarian, prioritize communication, give space for freedom of opinion.

Meanwhile Dian, the incumbent Dean of FEB, conveyed his vision, namely "Becoming an Excellent Faculty of Economics and Business, International Quality, Innovative, Competitive and with the identity of Defending the Country for the Development of Indonesian Society and Sustainable Economic Resilience". After all the dean candidates from all faculties have made their presentations, a Dean election will be held simultaneously at UPNVJ. Elections are planned to be held in March 2023.


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