UPNVJ Rector Talks about Reserve Components for Gen-Z


HumasUPNVJ - Anter Venus, Chancellor of UPN Veterans Jakarta was a guest speaker at an online coffee event (Smart chat on the Network) at the Indonesian Ministry of Defense (21/2)

In the event hosted by Lieutenant Colonel Titular Deddy Corbuzier, Venus stated that the best state defense education program for civil society is the Reserve Component (Komcad) program, "This Komcad program is the most tangible form of military-based state defense for civilians. Civilians such as employees, lecturers, students and other workers can acquire initial state defense capabilities and become a reserve force to support the main component of national defense held by the Indonesian National Armed Forces," he said.


The Coffee Coffee activity, which is a channel for the Ministry of Defense to interact with the public, was attended by Maj. Defense of the State Brigadier General Sarwono.

On this occasion the Chancellor of UPNVJ also stated that as a State Defense campus, UPNVJ really supports this Komcad program. For Venus, this program is the best way to shape the character of state defenders. It is evident from UPNVJ's experience in the Komcad program that has been implemented that it is able to instill the values of defending the country such as discipline, hard work, never giving up, struggle, loyalty and confidence, "I feel this when observing the attitudes and behavior of UPNVJ students, staff or lecturers with the title of Komcad program graduates.”, explained Venus

“Values like these are not easy to instill in universities. But through the Komcad program which is structured, controlled and directed, the formation of behavior or instilling these values can be done in just 3-4 months," continued Venus.

According to Venus, this program is good not only for employees or lecturers who are in their 30s but also for generation Z who tend to be pragmatic, pay less attention to issues of nationality or patriotism and don't inherit the fighting spirit of the nation's founders and fighters.

Finally, Venus states that the country in which we live is not simply given . “This country exists because it was fought for, because it was attempted by the nation's founding fathers and fighters who sacrificed their lives, blood and tears. Therefore, the existence of this country needs to be defended. It needs to be fought for, it needs to be maintained. Especially in the digital era where undermining and threats against the country can appear at any time both from within and outside the country, both openly and hidden, subtle and covert threats," he said.



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