Pilmapres 2023 Participants at the University Level Take a Public Test Before Going to the National Level

Humas UPNVJ – This year UPN "Veteran" Jakarta (UPNVJ) is again taking part in the prestigious student competition organized by the National Achievement Center which is under the auspices of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education.

In order to prepare its students to reach the national level, UPNVJ provides training, consultation and assessment facilities from the time students register. Only a few more participants reach the national level. Therefore a Public Test was held which aims to determine the eligibility level of the participants (04/04). This activity took place at the Unity in Diversity Auditorium UPNVJ Floor 4.

This Pilmapres is not only about students making many achievements at the national or international level but also about the contribution of students in doing things that have a positive impact and benefits for themselves and also the wider community such as community service or research.


"As human beings, it's not enough for us to be useful only for ourselves but also for others. Now this will be an assessment.” Said the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation, Dr. dr. Ria Maria Theresa, SpKJ in her remarks opened the Public Test activity.

Through this public test, participants will be invited to present their main ideas or creative ideas. A team of assessors has been prepared by the university to carry out an assessment both in terms of the material raised and the performance of the participants themselves.

The selection process ultimately left only two students each from the Bachelor and Diploma programs. These two students are the most suitable to be sent to the next level, namely the national level where they will compete with students from other universities throughout Indonesia.


(from left to right: Christiven Manaek, Candya Upavata Kutey Karta Negara, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation, Achmad Za'im Mudzaki, Mahessea Wira Madha)

From the results of the public test, Achmad Za'im Mudzaki, an Industrial Engineering bachelor's degree student with a score of 1148 and Mahessea Wira Madha, DIII Nursing, received a score of 1024. Za'im and Mahessea were declared successful in passing the university-level public test and were eligible to compete at the national level. Two other participants, Candya Upavata Kutey Karta Negara, Bachelor of Laws, scored 920 and Christiven Manaek, Bachelor of Accounting, scored 758.

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