Celebrating the 5th Anniversary, KSR PMI UPNVJ Shares with Others

HumasUPNVJ - The celebration of the 5th KSR PMI Unit UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Anniversary was held at the YPLB Nusantara Home, Beji Depok on Saturday 20 May 2023. This activity has the theme " Sharing Happiness in Simplicity " with the aim of increasing gratitude to God and foster a sense of sympathy and empathy as well as social care among others and sharing simple happiness for others.


This activity was attended to be carried out offline and was attended by the KSR PMI Unit UPNVJ Trustees, namely Mr. Arga Buntara, SKM, MPH and representatives of the YPLB Nusantara Orphanage, Mr. Sujono and staff. The purpose of this activity is to celebrate the 5th anniversary of KSR PMI Unit UPN "Veteran" Jakarta.

This activity was carried out from 13.00 WIB to 15.30 WIB, starting with the opening by the MC, which was followed by the recitation of the holy verses of the Qur'an, then remarks from the Chief Executive, remarks by the Deputy Commander of KSR PMI Unit UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, and remarks from Representatives from the YPLB Nusantara Orphanage, praying together, performances by the orphanage children, presentation of educational materials, gymnastics, games, followed by announcements and distribution of game prizes.

The next event was thanking and giving compensation to the orphanage represented by the KSR PMI Unit UPN "Veteran" Jakarta as well as cutting Tumpeng, closed with prayer and documentation by the MC, and eating together. With this activity it is hoped that it will have a good impact on the KSR PMI UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Unit and the YPLB Nusantara Orphanage, such as strengthening friendly relations between people, distributing moral and material assistance to those in need, and building a relationship of mutual trust and connection between people. fellow human beings through the activities that have been carried out.

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