Everything about the First Batch of UTBK SNBT at UPNVJ


HumasUPNVJ - UTBK-SNBT 2023 can be attended by students graduating in 2021, 2022, and 2023 from secondary education (SMA/MA/SMK and equivalent), as well as graduates of Package C in 2021, 2022, and 2023 with a maximum age of 25 years (per 1 July 2023). Participation in UTBK is the main requirement for participating in the Test-Based National Selection at Academic PTN, Vocational PTN, and State Islamic Religious College (PTKIN). ( https://snpmb.bppp.kemdikbud.go.id/?mid=9 )

UPNVJ uses two locations as UTBK - SNBT 2023 centers, namely Campus 1 Pondok Labu, South Jakarta and Campus 2 Limo, Cinere. Implementation of UTBK Batch I: 08 - 14 May 2023 is almost over until tomorrow, Sunday 14 May 2023. And it will be carried out with the implementation of UTBK Batch II on 22 - 28 May 2023. In its implementation in wave 1, there are many participants UTBK – SNBT 2023. Starting from participants who were in the wrong location, were late, didn't wear the specified clothes and didn't bring the appropriate documents, but there were also several participants who were injured (due to an accident) so they used sticks to continue taking the exam with enthusiasm.

Not only that, there were even some participants who came at a time that didn't match their exam schedule.

Met on Saturday, 13 May 2023, Zelena, one of the UTBK-SNBT 2023 participants in the first batch who was on the wrong schedule, explained that because of her enthusiasm, she came before the exam schedule took place, which she should have taken the exam on Sunday, 14 May 2023, "I am I was so excited that I didn't pay attention to my calendar, I thought I would take the exam today (13 May 2023) but tomorrow, Sunday 14 May 2023," he explained to the PR team on duty


Zelena said she had been preparing for this exam a few months ago, “I have been preparing for this exam for months sis, for some reason I thought I was taking the exam today, but it's only tomorrow. This seems to be the effect of nervousness and too much enthusiasm. Luckily I came h-1 before the exam sis, because I heard from the security staff that some even missed their exam schedule," Zelena explained with a faint smile

Zelena hopes that there will be no other UTBK – SNBT 2023 participants, especially in batch 2, who will be on the wrong schedule like her.

UPNVJ Public Relations always informs all UTBK – SNBT 2023 participants to always open the SNPMB BPPP website ( https://snpmb.bppp.kemdikbud.go.id/ ), and UPNVJ social media, especially Instagram ( https://www.instagram. com/upnveteranjakarta/?hl=en&__coig_restricted=1 ) because the complete and complete information has been published.

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