Gotong Royong Building Civilization and Global Growth is the Big Theme of Pancasila Birthday 2023

HumasUPNVJ - UPN "Veteran" Jakarta as the State Defense Campus routinely holds Flag Ceremonies to commemorate important days. One of them is today (1/6) UPNVJ is carrying out a Flag Ceremony in commemoration of the Birth of Pancasila. Harlah Pancasila just started during the presidency of Joko Widodo. Through Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 24 of 2016, June 1 was also designated as the national anniversary of the Birth of Pancasila. For 2023, the commemoration of the Birth of Pancasila carries the theme: "Gotong Royong to Build Civilization and Global Growth".


Anter Venus, UPNVJ Chancellor in his remarks while serving as the Ceremony Trustee said that Pancasila Day was the nation's way of life, "Pancasila's Birthday is commemorated as the nation's way of life or Philosophisce Grondslag which is the fundamental norm of the existence and life of the Indonesian nation. As we know, Pancasila is the result of the crystallization of a way of life and culture that has existed for hundreds or even thousands of years. Settles, petrifies and is buried in a very deep place, making the awareness that lives in the hearts of Indonesian people unnoticed," he said

“June 1, 1945 was a very historic moment where the Father of the Nation, Ir. Soekarno conveyed the idea of Pancasila from the Indonesian Earth. Speech of Ir. Sukarno was then discussed and determined to become the Jakarta Charter and exactly one day after the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia on August 18, 1945, Pancasila was officially established as the basis of the state. Venus said

"As the successor of the nation, we must apply the spirit and unity of Pancasila in our daily life. Let's keep Pancasila values for our beloved Indonesia," he concluded in his speech

The ceremony in commemoration of Pancasila Day was held at the UPNVJ Ceremony Field in front of Gd. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Faculty of Medicine UPNVJ. Followed by all leaders and staff as well as the entire UPNVJ academic community consisting of lecturers, educational staff and 148 UPNVJ students who received KJMU.


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