Seminar Executive Series 18: Domestic Products for Indonesia Gold 2045

HumasUPNVJ – Domestic Product (PDN) is currently one of the most interesting topics to discuss. Departing from this, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta" (UPNVJ) Master of Management students held an Executive Seminar Series 18 with the theme Domestic Products for Indonesia Golden 2045 (14/06).

Taking place at the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium Lt.4 UPNVJ, presenting a source who has authority in terms of procurement of goods and services in Indonesia, Dr. Hendrar Prihadi, SE., MM., as Head of the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Agency (LKPP).

Starting this activity, the Chancellor of UPNVJ, Dr. Anter Venus, MA., Comm conveyed that this activity was also a form of UPNVJ's commitment to always strengthen insights on various topics, themes and issues, especially those that are currently being hotly discussed. "For concepts related to domestic products, I think these are also the topics discussed in practice. We want to know how the concept of development including regulation is related to this PDN. Not only now but also the projections for the future.” he said in his speech.


On this occasion, Hendrar shared information about what is currently being handled, namely the ideals of Indonesia Gold 2045. In order to achieve Indonesia Gold, proper and proper preparation is needed. In the near future Indonesia will reach 100 years of its independence and there are special things to achieve. In LKPP itself, the benchmark is how Indonesia can occupy the best economic axis in Indonesia.

Talking about the economy, Indonesia is now part of the G20 which is a group of countries with the best 20 largest economic powers in the world. In 2016, Indonesia's economy was reported to be ranked eighth in the world, then one rank up in 2022. The economy in Indonesia is predicted by both national and international observers to increase significantly in 2045, which is ranked fourth in the world.

This prediction is very likely when viewed from the number of residents. If you look at China, the country is able to bring domestic products into products that are purchased by its own people so that its economy can grow and develop until it becomes successful today.

In Indonesia the same thing can happen with the demographic bonus. Therefore Indonesia must prepare well. Hendrar said there are at least three main indicators that we must always maintain.

First, ideology, politics, economy, social and culture, defense and national security must be conducive by conveying opinions according to the corridors in a polite and systematic manner. Second, economic growth is maintained above 5%. Efforts that can be made are to build local and national economic resilience that are economically independent. Finally, the younger generation is productive & competitive by becoming entrepreneurs and young professionals without unemployment.


Hendrar also conveyed the wishes of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo at this seminar. Regarding the procurement of goods and services in Indonesia, there are five strategies that can be carried out so that they end up building the 2045 Golden Generation:

  • Increasing the use of domestic products (PDN). Every 400 trillion NOP spending will have an impact on absorbing 2 million workers. This absorption can increase economic growth by 1.5% – 1.8%.
  • Increase the portion of micro, small businesses and cooperatives
  • Ensuring PBJ transparency
  • Strive for efficiency in government spending
  • Accelerate the absorption of the government budget

As of today, it is reported that Hendrar has used Indonesia's PDN to have reached 87%. This figure increased from last year's 76%. Indeed, the level of usage must always be pursued. The Proud Made in Indonesia Movement is not just a jargon. This is based on Presidential Regulation 16 of 2018 which was revised into Presidential Regulation 12 of 2021 concerning procurement of government goods/services.

In addition, the President has instructed this movement which is then compiled in Presidential Instruction Number 2 of 2022 concerning the Acceleration of P3DN and UMK-Cooperative Products. There is also a Public PBJ Bill to bind this idea which is currently in the process of being ratified.

Success in carrying out the Proud Made in Indonesia movement can have an impact on increasing the competitiveness of NOP and addressing the challenges of demographic bonuses. The growth of the national industry will be boosted thereby opening up entrepreneurial opportunities and absorbing the workforce.

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