Challenges of the Digital Age: UPNVJ Holds Interactive Learning Optimization Seminar Workshop

HumasUPNVJ - Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University (UPNVJ) held a local seminar (semiloka) entitled "Optimization of Interactive Learning Methods in Responding to the Development of Times" which was held at the Bhineka Tunggal Ika Hall in Jakarta, Monday, August 7 2023.

This workshop was attended by representatives of lecturers from 7 faculties at UPNVJ. The event aims to improve lecturer competencies related to interactive learning methods that support Course Learning Outcomes (CPMK) by utilizing the Learning Management System (LMS).

In his opening remarks, UPNVJ Chancellor Dr. Antar Venus MA Comm., said that, "UPN Veteran Jakarta has a guidebook on how to conduct classroom learning and methods as the backbone when conducting learning."

"Innovations in the application of digital learning media can be optimized to maximize the acceptance of material to students," said Venus.

The workshop was filled with three expert speakers in the field of education, namely Prof. Dr. Ir. Richardus Eko Indrajit, M.Sc., MBA, M.Phil., MA; Prof. Dr. Amir Machmud, SE, M.Si; and dr. Diantha Soemantri, MMedED., PhD.

Richardus Eko talked about the importance of understanding the concept of active and interactive learning methods and how to foster student learning motivation. The material presented provides in-depth insight into how this approach can improve the quality of learning.

Meanwhile Amir Machmud discussed the role of lecturers in implementing active and interactive learning methods. The discussion focused on how this method can increase students' concentration and interest in learning in class.

Finally, Diantha Soemantri discussed the flipped classroom learning method by optimizing the Learning Management System (LMS). He illustrates how this approach can advance student learning experiences through a digital approach.

In addition to material presentation, the semi-workshop was also enlivened by a question and answer session and discussion between the resource person and the participants. At the end of the event, seminar workshop participants are expected to have a deeper understanding of the importance of interactive learning methods in dealing with the dynamics of the times.

It is also hoped that this workshop can enrich the learning experience of UPNVJ students and advance the quality of university education.


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