Public Relations UPNVJ - Every year, UPN Veteran Jakarta as a national defense campus invites its academic community to regularly carry out a flag ceremony to commemorate Heroes' Day. Similar to this year, the UPNVJ Academic Community also held a flag ceremony on campus. (10/11)
Heroes' Day 2023 carries the theme "Heroes for the Nation's Future in the Spirit of Fighting Poverty and Ignorance". According to the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Tri Rismaharini, as conveyed by Anter Venus, the Chancellor of UPNVJ, who acted as the ceremony supervisor, this theme hopefully can become a deep reflection for the Indonesian people, "This theme was raised through deep reflection to answer the increasingly real threat of modern colonialism. . "Considering that we are a large market and are blessed with so many extraordinary natural resources such as fertile land, abundant marine products, the earth's contents which store various minerals," said Venus.
"This is the real challenge for the next generation to manage natural wealth and also the potential of the Indonesian population for the glory of the Nation and State. We will conquer these threats and challenges armed with the same spirit as exemplified by the fighters of November 10, 1945. It's not easy, but it's definitely possible. Because National Heroes have taught us the values of struggle. "Values that if we follow them will definitely bring a trail of victory," he continued
In his remarks, the Minister of Social Affairs said that we must follow in the footsteps of the Akita heroes because heroes are people who stand out because of their courage and sacrifice for our nation and state.
“A hero is a person who stands out because of his courage and sacrifice in defending the truth and prioritizing the interests of the Nation and State above the interests of his group and/or himself. The Heroes have taught us that: we are not a nation of losers. We will never be willing to kneel and give up defeat. No matter how big the threats and challenges, we will face them. "With fists clenched and chest heaving," he said in his written remarks.
The Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs hopes that we, all the Indonesian people, must work together to build a people's business and economy that will make Indonesia grow into an increasingly advanced, more prosperous country.
The ceremony in the UPNVJ environment was attended by educational staff, lecturers and UPNVJ students.
Ceremonial Officers in commemoration of Heroes' Day 2023 within UPNVJ:
- Master of Ceremonies: Dr. Anter Venus, MA, Comm
- Ceremony Officer: Fajar Edyana, S. Kom
- Ceremony Leader: Muhammad Faisal Ludin, S. Ak
- Ceremony Host: Mila Amalia Rahman, SI Kom
- Flag Hoist: Nursafira Khoirunniswah, S.Kom, Bahirina Mutjaba, SE, and Retno Widyawati, S.Ak
- Preamble to the 1945 Constitution: Dodi Darmawan, S.Kom
- Reader of Hero's Messages: Muhammad Bimo Anugrah Idris, S.IP
- Prayer: Muhammad Emirza Tanjung, SE
- Conductor: Anisa Triselia SIKom