Visit UPNVJ, Menwa Alumni Voice National Defense and National Insight

Public Relations UPNVJ - Alumni of the Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University Student Regiment (Menwa) visited the UPNVJ Pondok Labu campus on Wednesday, November 15 2023. The arrival of the alumni was welcomed directly by UPNVJ Chancellor Dr. Anter Venus, MA, Comm.

To the chancellor, UPNVJ Menwa alumni explained that the purpose of their visit was to revive the UPNVJ Student Regiment which previously existed on campus.

The arrival of Menwa alumni to UPNVJ was also carried out in order to strengthen the values of National Defense and National Insight in higher education.

"The student regiment is part of UPNVJ's history as a national defense campus," said Venus.

"Therefore, we need to support various activities organized by the student regiment," he continued,

The Menwa alumni who came to UPNVJ this time came from the college classes of 1981 and 1984. Some of those who came included Isti Rio Rini S.Kom, MM, S.Psi, M.Psi Marine Colonel (Ret.) whose last service was in Fleet I; AKBP (Ret.) DM. Utami , BSc SHi; and Anna M. Juwaryani Bcs. ST.

Still during his visit, the UPNVJ Menwa said that his party plans to hold friendship events and seminars at universities as well as mass circumcision activities to commemorate UPNVJ's 46th Anniversary.

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