FH UPNVJ Conducts Socialization and Legal Assistance for MSME Trademark Registration

Public Relations UPNVJ - Students from the Faculty of Law at the Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University carried out community service (abdimas) with an activity entitled Socialization and Legal Assistance for MSME Trademark Registration at the Anggrek RPTRA, Lebak Bulus Village, South Jakarta, Thursday, 30 November 2023.

Through this community service activity, it is hoped that MSMEs and Non-MSMEs in the Anggrek Lebak Bulus RPTRA area can understand the importance of having a registered and legally protected brand.

Apart from that, it is hoped that there will also be an understanding of how to protect their brand rights so that they are not misused by other parties. Apart from providing understanding, this activity was also carried out in order to fulfill the Final Semester Examination in the Intellectual Rights and Property course.

"In my class there are no longer such things as paper exams, multiple choice exams and oral exams because I think that's old fashioned. So I asked them (the students) to create a project, how they can benefit the community around their campus ," said Rianda Dirkareshza, SH, MH as a lecturer in the Rights and Intellectual Property course at the UPN Veteran Jakarta Faculty of Law in her speech.

In carrying out this activity, there are two parts of material presented to activity participants. The first material concerns the meaning of Intellectual Property Rights and Brand Rights and the Importance of Brands in Marketing Products. Meanwhile, the second material is about the benefits of trademark registration in terms of legality and legal protection for MSMEs.

However, before the presentation of the material, there was an initial questionnaire to be filled out with the aim of finding out to what extent the activity participants knew about the importance of trademark registration. Several people presented the material, namely Tirsa Putri Indira, Raden Panji Rahmatullah, Alexandra Exelsia Saragih, and Haezah Lintang Dahayu.

In his presentation, the speaker explained that the use of a brand can be a driving factor for a product to have large sales in the market. A brand created with a creative composition of writing, images and unique colors can make potential consumers interested in buying.

On the other hand, this can give rise to unauthorized use of the brand to seek personal gain. This can be easily done because logos can be widely accessed via the internet.


Trademark Registration

Such acts of piracy will be very detrimental to the brand owner. Some of the losses that brand owners will experience include damage to market prices, a decrease in consumer confidence because they see other goods with the same brand but at lower prices, a decrease in sales turnover, and what is even worse is brand theft.

After socialization with presentation of the material, the activity continued with a question and answer session. In this session, activity participants were given the opportunity to ask questions and discuss brands in more depth. After that, a final questionnaire was filled out to find out to what extent they absorbed all the information after the presentation of the material.

The event continued with brand registration assistance, where interested MSMEs were accompanied and assisted by students to register brands via the website of the Directorate General of Intellectual Property, Ministry of Law and Human Rights. In this activity, there is one MSME that is interested and has prepared all the documents to register its trademark.

This community service activity was carried out by students from the UPNVJ Faculty of Law who are members of Group 2 IPR Class C. With this activity, students can directly practice the knowledge and theories they have gained during one semester in the Intellectual Rights and Property course.

Apart from that, this activity can also help students gain knowledge, skills and benefit the community around campus, especially MSMEs.


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