Public Relations UPNVJ – Today (28/02), the Bureaucratic Reform Team of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Ditjen Diktiristek) paid a visit to the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Integrated Service Unit (ULT) (UPNVJ).
This visit was carried out in the context of building an integrity zone for Work Units within the Directorate General of Higher Education and Technology in 2024 as well as following up on the results of the integrity zone assessment in 2023.
During this visitation, the assessment team consisting of the Internal Assessment Team (Inspectorate General) and the National Assessment Team (Kemenpanrb) carried out monitoring and evaluation as part of the government's efforts to ensure that the public services provided by ULT can meet the established standards so that they are worthy of being called a Zone. Integrity towards a region free from corruption/a clean and serving bureaucratic region by 2024.
It is known that the assessment team that came to visit consisted of seven people, namely Widodo Budi Siswanto in the Change Management section, Ito Satria in the Administrative Arrangement section, Intan Nirmala in the Administrative Arrangement section, Asep Herman Suyanto in the Public Service Quality Improvement section, Srividola Wulandari in the Public Service Quality Improvement section, Inza Fazarwati for Strengthening Supervision, and Muhamad Armansyah for Performance Accountability.
The assessment team conducted a series of reviews of the service process at ULT UPNVJ. They review various aspects, starting from standard operational service procedures, service flow and systems, speed of service, availability of officers, service support facilities, to the quality of service provided to visitors.
In terms of SOPs, flow and service systems, Asep Herman Suyanto and Srividola Wulandari from the Public Service Quality Improvement section brought up the existence of queue numbers and their management (manual or system-based), distribution of service counters and types of services, service escalation procedures, the existence of satisfaction surveys .
At ULT UPNVJ itself, services can be provided face to face at the ULT UPNVJ Office or online via WhatsApp Chat Bot. All types of services so far do not cost a penny.
One of the ULT UPNVJ staff named Bambang Suryoprayogo explained to the assessment team that when providing face-to-face services, people who come are directed first to take a queue number and fill in their personal data online so they know their needs.
After that, visitors will be called and directed to the service counter according to their purpose of arrival. The counters are divided into four, with details: Counter 1 handles new student admissions, Counter 2 handles academic matters such as lecture schedules, KRS filling schedules, graduation schedules and UKT, Counter 3 handles clarification of attendance and mutation information, finally Counter 4 specifically handles admission letters. and mail tracing.
If the problem is more complicated and takes longer to resolve, ULT officers will direct visitors to a treatment room at ULT. For problems that cannot be resolved right away, what employees do is direct visitors to escalate services by coordinating via the WhatsApp Chat Bot which is integrated with each faculty.
Meanwhile, visitors whose problems have been resolved are then asked to fill out a satisfaction survey after receiving service before leaving ULT UPNVJ.
Bambang's detailed explanation really helped the monitoring and evaluation process by the assessment team. During the visit, the supervisory team provided several recommendations to improve ULT UPNVJ's excellent service.
These recommendations include the use of information technology to increase effectiveness and efficiency, public service announcements, and supporting facilities.
According to the assessment team, there needs to be testimonials from visitors and a list of ULT UPNVJ services displayed on the smart KIOSK screen. The video testimonial is intended so that ULT UPNVJ can increase public trust in the services offered. Meanwhile, the list of services is aimed at providing visitors with information about what problems can be resolved through the ULT service.
Apart from the two things above, the assessment team also stated that the service announcement signed by the UPNVJ Chancellor needed to be shown to the public.
Regarding facilities, the assessment team brought up the nursery room and accessibility to support people with disabilities.
The UPNVJ, especially the Chair of the UPNVJ Integrity Zone Bureaucratic Reform, Dr. Kusumajanti, S.sos., M.Si and ULT UPNVJ coordinator, Dr. Witanti Prihatiningsih, MIKom welcomed the visit and recommendations from the Bureaucratic Reform Team of the Directorate General of Higher Education and Technology. ULT UPNVJ certainly strives to immediately implement these recommendations in order to improve the quality of services provided.
The supervisor's visit to ULT is clear evidence of UPNVJ's commitment to improving the quality of public services for the community. It is hoped that with continuous evaluation and improvement, ULT can become a model for effective and efficient public services for other universities. (sf)