Public RelationsUPNVJ - Lecturer at the Department of International Relations, FISIP, National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta, M. Chairil Akbar Setiawan, gave a guest lecture at the Faculty of International Relations, Kazakh Ablai Khan University. This Guest Lecture is one of the agendas for the visit of the delegation from the UPNVJ FISIP International Relations Study Program on 19-22 February 2024 at the Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Language in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Opening the activity, Murad Shamilov as Associate Professor from the International Relations Department of Kazakh Ablai Khan University gave an introductory speech in front of around 80 students.
The UPNVJ Guest Lecture took the theme of the economic development model of East Asian countries which has long attracted the interest of international relations students. Countries such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and China have emerged as new powers in the world economy through their manufacturing industrial sectors, which have recently become very advanced.
There are two main approaches to explain the phenomenon of the massive East Asian economy, namely Developmentalism analysis and Free Market Capitalism or Neoliberalism analysis. In this guest lecture, we also explained various contemporary challenges such as world economic stagnation, the Covid-19 pandemic, and regional geopolitical conflicts.
The guest lecture went smoothly and was filled with high enthusiasm from the students of Ablai Khan University's International Relations department.
UPNVJ FISIP HI Study Program Coordinator Wiwiek Rukmi Dwi Astuti, S.IP., M.Si, stated that this Guest Lecture was consistent with UPNVJ's vision which is promoting academic internationalization. Apart from that, he called for the importance of South-South Relations Cooperation which today is an offer of multilateralism for developing countries.
"One of the efforts to strengthen South-South Relations is through international academic cooperation in higher education. Getting to know and supporting each other is a good diplomatic basis for Developing Countries," he concluded.