Ensuring Good Health Conditions, UPNVJ Holds Health Tests for 2024 SNBP Pathway Candidates

Public Relations UPNVJ - Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University (UPNVJ) has started implementing health tests for prospective students accepted through the 2024 National Achievement Based Selection (SNBP) route. This health test will only take place for one day, Thursday 28 March 2024 and will take place at the Merce Building Faculty of Medicine, UPNVJ Campus, Limo, Depok.

During the implementation of the SNBP route health test, around 766 of the 880 participants who were likely to undergo the health test attended the UPNVJ Campus located in Limo, Depok. The other 114 participants were located in provinces outside Jakarta, West Java, Banten.

This health test is an important part of one of the selection stages to ensure the health condition of prospective students who are accepted.

The health tests held by UPNVJ focus on urine examination by checking 6 parameters, including Amphetamine (AMP), Morphine/Opiate (MOP), Marijuana (THC), Coccaine (COC), Methamphetamine (MET), and Benzodiazepine (BZD). This examination aims to detect the presence of narcotics and dangerous drugs/substances in the participant's body.


UPNVJ Public Relations had the opportunity to conduct a direct interview with the UPNVJ New Student Admissions (Penmaru) Coordinator, Fajar Nugroho. Fajar explained technical preparations such as the flow of health tests, officers on duty and talking about the situation during the health test process, "UPNVJ has provided 3 doctors, 4 health workers who specialize in examining Vital Signs (TTV), 4 laboratory staff, 3 health workers to "calling, and several administrative officers, security officers and cleaning officers. All of those we assign are experienced officers to carry out this test. Apart from that, there are also several technicians who serve as field coordinators and public relations staff to ensure the smooth running of the health test process," he explained. .

"There are several health test procedures that participants must pay attention to, first they are required to bring their SNBP card and proof of payment in full (health test), after that participants are asked to register and take a queue number, then go to the finance officer to check proof of payment in full. health test, then directed to the administration to fill in the attendance list then directed for basic health tests / TTV such as checking temperature, pulse and blood pressure. After that, you are asked to take a urine container/pot after the urine test, especially for FK recruits, they are required to carry out a blind test "Meanwhile, for technical matters, we also provide waiting rooms in every corner of the room and 8 bathrooms so that all participants feel comfortable and safe. Health checks are carried out from 8 am to 3 pm," he continued.

"There are several small obstacles, such as participants who are still not careful and do not read in detail the announcement information regarding files or how to pay for medical tests, but this obstacle is not a significant obstacle because our team can help participants with these obstacles on the day. It's just that we always urge all camaba for the next path to read information more often carefully through social media and our official page." Fajar said at the end of his interview.

For test takers, there is a fee of 250,000 rupiah charged for this narcotics and dangerous drugs/substances-free test. This fee is used to finance the procurement of equipment and materials needed for the examination, as well as ensuring the test takes place to a high standard, and an additional 20,000 for additional color blindness tests for students who pass the Faculty of Medicine.

Of course, UPNVJ as a state defense campus is committed to maintaining the integrity and quality of prospective students through a strict selection process, including this health test because it is important to ensure that prospective students have good health conditions and are ready to live their study life at UPNVJ.


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