Public RelationsUPNVJ - Faculty of Medicine, Jakarta "Veteran" Development University made a collaborative visit to the Bhayangkara TK IR Said Sukanto Hospital.
This visit was carried out by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Cooperation and his staff who were welcomed directly by the Police Commissioner (Kombes Pol) dr. Yusuf Mawadi, MM, Deputy Chair of Bhayangkara Hospital and Police Commissioner Dr. Is Sarifin, as well as other leadership ranks.
"The problem that is often experienced by students nowadays is mental health problems, so there are some students who do not continue with their koas activities, because of this, every Friday students are required to fill in a Google Form link to provide input to their supervisors. It is hoped that by filling in this link, koas students can do their activities. it went well and there were no problems." said Dr. Yusuf Mawadi in his speech, on Thursday (29/02/24).
On this occasion Dr. Erna Harfiani, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Cooperation, said that the aim of the visit with her staff was to evaluate and monitor the learning process of koass students at Bhayangkara Hospital TK IR Said Sukanto.
"This visit was carried out in order to strengthen the friendship that has existed since 2019 until now as well as monitor the learning process of students who are carrying out co-residential activities at Bhayangkara Hospital TK IR Said Sukanto," said Dr. Erna.
This agenda was then continued with a discussion regarding the student learning process between the Head of the PSKPP Study Program and each of the Station Education Coordinators at the Bhayangkara TK IR Said Sukanto Hospital, then continued with a visit to the boarding school student learning room at the hospital.