Public Relations UPNVJ - The briefing stage for the Actualization of National Defense Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) organized by Puska National Defense UPNVJ class 3, Even semester, was held in Buana Jaya Village, Tanjungsari District. ABN MBKM was attended by 9 students of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta consisting of three faculties, namely the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Faculty of Computer Science, including: Hilmi Aziz Zain, Raihana Qonita Zalnie, Muhamad Febrian Hanafi , Ihsan Mubarok, Angela Mericci Diva Febyana, Muh Wahid Guntur Pambudi, Ichwan Abdillah Barri, Sabilla Adrina Mewangi and Farrel Nabil Syahputra.
The participants attended on April 28 2024 and were well received by the staff and staff of Buana Jaya Village, "Even though the Village Head was unable to attend, he sent greetings to the students based on high hopes for the ABN MBKM UPNVJ students for "We can help with the problems that exist in our village," said Bubung, the village head representative as Head of Community Welfare for Buana Jaya Village
At the beginning of the activity, team members from the UPNVJ State Defense Center were also present. "Hopefully, over the next three months, the ABN MBKM UPNVJ students can provide assistance and help advance Buana Jaya Village to be better than before," said Ikhsan hopefully as the chief executive. ABN MBKM activities this semester. ( edited *s)