Coming all the way from Papua, Anna and Elizabeth are optimistic about taking part in UTBK 2024


Public RelationsUPNVJ - Anna Maria Wengponip Sitokdana (17) and Elizabeth Paetip Sitokdana (18) came from West Papua to take the Computer Based Writing Examination (UTBK) at the Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University (UPNV).

Until now, Anna and Elizabeth are UTBK participants at UPNVJ from the farthest city of origin. Not only that, their enthusiasm also deserves a thumbs up because they arrived at the exam location about 3 hours before it was held.

"We took the exam for two sessions today, and arrived earlier at 09.00 WIB so we wouldn't be late and wouldn't be in the wrong location," said Anna when interviewed in the UPNVJ Rectorate Lobby, Monday, May 20 2024.

Anna and Elizabeth briefly explained their desire to choose a state university, which was fully supported by both parents. They are enthusiastic about fighting to be able to attend college, even though they will have to be separated from their families.

"Both parents fully support us. We are also accompanied by our mother here, so we are even more enthusiastic and optimistic that we can do the questions optimally," said Elizabeth.

When they arrived at the UTBK UPNVJ location, Anna and Elizabeth admitted that they were welcomed well and received optimal guidance.

"When I just arrived, I first made sure the location was suitable. When I entered, all the officers were friendly. Hopefully the exam will continue to run smoothly and the questions won't be difficult," said Elizabeth.

So far, Anna and Elizabeth admit that they are used to having to travel long distances from home to go to school. Parental support is said to be the main factor that keeps them enthusiastic about pursuing their dreams.

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