UPNVJ Holds Class IV Special Education Class for the Advocate Profession



Public Relations UPNVJ - The Faculty of Law, National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta together with DPC Peradi West Jakarta with the Central Leadership Council of the Indonesian Avdocate Association (DPP IKADIN) have held a Class IV Special Education Class for the Advocate Profession (PKPA).

The PKPA Batch IV class was held in the multi-purpose room of the DPC Peradi Secretariat, West Jakarta, at Grand Slipi Tower, 5th Floor, Slipi, West Jakarta, on Friday, May 17 2024. The activity was attended by 186 participants, which took place face-to-face and online.

"Advocates are officium nobile. My hope is that with single bar, advocates also need to get legal protection as well. On the shoulders of prospective advocates, they always maintain their integrity and morals. Congratulations on taking the PKPA class for class IV," said the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Cooperation FH UPNVJ Dr. Slamet Tri Wahyudi in his speech.


This event was also attended by the Chair of the PKPA Committee Genesius Anugerah and the Chair of the West Jakarta Peradi DPC Dr. Suhendra Asido Hutabarat.

"It is our responsibility to organize PKPA Classes in accordance with the single bar set by the government. Under the Peradi leadership of Prof. Dr. Otto Hasibuan, the implementation of PKPA "Zero" KKN is expected to create an advocate with integrity and defend truth seekers," said Suhendra .

"With quality teachers, it is hoped that we can provide material that will be useful for prospective advocates," he continued.

Through an online broadcast, General Chairperson of DPN Peradi Prof. Dr. Otto Hasibuan said that Peradi had ideals, struggle and enthusiasm in producing advocates.
"Peradi is a state organ, which is authorized by the state. Peradi is independent and has the characteristic of being an organization of advocates that is authorized and carries out state functions," he said.

Otto also said that there were eight authorities entrusted to Peradi through the Advocate Law, one of which was appointing and providing education for advocates as law enforcers.

A law enforcer must be recognized and appointed by an organization established by the state, in this case Peradi. Otto said, "We adhere to Single Baru, the single forum for advocate organizations in Indonesia which is legalized by law.

"It is our goal to maintain a single bar, having state authority in accordance with the law. Officially, I opened a PKPA class in collaboration with DPC Peradi West Jakarta and UPN Veteran Jakarta," said Otto.

After giving opening remarks, the event continued with the presentation of material from H Sutrisno, SH, M.Hum as Deputy General Chair of DPN Peradi with material on the Code of Ethics for Advocates. Meanwhile, the second material was delivered by advocate and academic Dr. Wilyy Farianto SH, M, H with material on Industrial Relations Court Procedure Law.

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