UPNVJ 2024 Independent Selection Will Open Soon in Early June


Public RelationsUPNVJ - Independent Selection (SEMA) of the National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta in 2024 is in sight. Registration for SEMA UPNVJ 2024 will open on Monday, June 3 2024 at 11.00 WIB until Sunday, June 16 2024 at 13.00 WIB, which can be done online via the page: https://penregistran.upnvj.ac.id/.

In this year's SEMA UPNVJ, the quota provided reached 1,298. As before, SEMA UPNVJ 2024 opens academic and achievement pathways.

The academic pathway uses the 2024 UTBK-SNBT scores and the 2024 State Defense Exam scores as criteria for passing SEMA UPNVJ. Meanwhile, the achievement pathway uses a combination of academic pathway graduation criteria with academic and/or non-academic achievements.

The following are the requirements for participating in SEMA UPNVJ 2024:

a. UPNVJ SEMA registrants come from 2024 UTBK-SNBT participants
b. Applicants can only choose 2 (two) study programs
c. The UPNVJ SEMA registration fee is IDR 375,000.00 (Three hundred and seventy-five thousand rupiah).
d. The scope of achievements in SEMA UPNVJ includes science, sports and arts olympiads ranked 1 to 3 at national and international levels in the last 3 (three) years, hafiz of the Al Quran at least 20 juz, Chairman of the OSIS for at least one period, and the most YouTube content creators. at least 10,000 subscribers.

For this year, SEMA UPNVJ applicants can choose the amount of the Single Tuition Fee (UKT) and Institutional Development Fee (IPI) at the time of registration.

Participants in the Indonesia Smart College Card (KIPK) and Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) are accommodated at SEMA UPNVJ 2024 with a quota of 1 person for each study program.

For further information, participants can access the following pages:


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