Virtual Field Evaluation of the Proposed Opening of the Law Study Program For the Doctoral Program at the Jakarta National Development University


Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Directorate General of Higher Education, through the Institutional Directorate, carried out a virtual field evaluation of the proposal to open a legal study program for the Doctoral Program at the Veterans National Development University, Jakarta. The Field Evaluation of the Doctoral Study Program was carried out online on Tuesday, May 14 2024. The opening of the Field Evaluation Activity was opened by representatives from the Institutional Directorate of the Director General of Higher Education. Also present at the virtual meeting were representatives from LLDIKTI Region III and also gave a speech on the Field Evaluation of the UPN Veteran Jakarta Law Doctoral Study Program.

The Field Evaluation Activity on the Proposal to Open the Legal Study Program for the Doctoral Program began with a presentation from the Chancellor of UPN Veteran Jakarta, Dr. Anter Venus, MA, Comm. In his presentation, the Chancellor explained that since its inception in 2014, UPN Veteran Jakarta has continued to transform into a superior, competitive university and an international class university while still being based on the National Defense identity. The opening of the Legal Study Program for the Doctoral Program is a development effort from UPN Veteran Jakarta and is an important agenda for achieving the Institution's vision and mission.

After the Chancellor's presentation, it was continued with the presentation by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Dr. Suherman, SH, LL.M. The Dean of FH explained that this Doctoral Legal Study Program had been initiated since 2020. Various preparations were made for the opening of the Doctoral Study Program. Starting from the Curriculum, Human Resources and Study Program Management Unit. This has been done optimally by the team. Of course, this evaluation requires direction and input to complete the preparations for opening the PhD study program.

After the presentation, it was followed by a question and answer session with the resource person who acted as an evaluator, among other things. Prof. Dr. Joni Emirzon, SH, MH (Professor of Law at Sriwijaya University), Prof. Dr. Muhamad Akib, SH, MH (Professor of Law, University of Lampung), Prof. Dr. Isis Ikhwansyah, SH, MH (Professor of Law, Padjadjaran University). In the discussion, the evaluators provided questions and input for the opening of the doctoral law study program.

After the discussion, it was continued with a field visit (conducted via video streaming) where the evaluators witnessed directly each room used for the implementation of the Legal Study Program for the UPN Veteran Jakarta Doctoral Program. After carrying out the field visit, the event closed with a photo together with the delivery of information for the revision of the legal doctoral form, given approximately 14 days from the implementation of the field evaluation.

Those present at the Law Doctoral Study Program Field Visit included: Chancellor of UPN Veteran Jakarta and his staff. Dean of the Faculty of Law, UPN Vetaran Jakarta and Staff. Professor FH Prof. Dr. Bambang Waluyo, SH, MH.; Prof. Dr. Wicipto Setiadi, SH, MH, Law Doctoral Study Program Lecturers Dr. Suherman, SH, MH.; Dr. Taufiqurahman Syahuri, SH, MH.; Dr. Heru Sugiyono, SH, MH.; Dr. Iwan Erar Joesoef, SH, MH. As Head of Law Doctoral Study Program, Prof. Dr. Wicipto Setiadi, SH, MH and Secretary of the Doctoral Law Study Program, Dr. Handar Subhandi Bakthiar, SH, MH.

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