Stevani Renita Passed the UPNVJ Medical Faculty with a UKT of Zero Rupiah


Public RelationsUPNVJ - Stevani Renita Karolin Zagoto, an 18 year old woman from South Nias which is one of the 3T areas, successfully passed the National Selection Based on Achievement at the Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University with a Single Tuition Fee (UKT) of zero rupiah, aka free which is funded carried out by the Government.

The recipient of the Indonesia Smart College Card (KIPK) is a student at SMA Negeri 1 Telukdalam, who has a high enthusiasm for learning to achieve her dream of becoming a doctor.

His persistence bore sweet fruit, because Stevani graduated as a new student candidate at the UPNVJ Faculty of Medicine on the SNBP route. Not only that, Stevani was also designated as a KIPK recipient with a UKT amount of zero rupiah.

"I really dream of becoming a doctor. When I was in high school, I was really persistent in studying so that one day I would fulfill the requirements for joining the SNBP," said Stevani when contacted some time ago.

Stevani said his struggle was not an easy matter. There were many things that made him hesitate, from what people said to him that made him give up to concerns about costs.

"I heard other people talk about not getting their hopes up in that department (Faculty of Medicine) because the fees are very expensive and my parents only work as farmers, it's impossible to pay for college," said Stevani.

Even though there were doubts, Stevani continued to follow the SNBP route with the choice of majoring in the UPNVJ Medical Faculty and joining the KIPK program.

"Finally, I decided to stick with my choice, and I managed to pass the SNBP in the first choice. A few days later, I was also determined to receive KIPK. I was very grateful, even my mother and father couldn't stop expressing gratitude. Finally I had the opportunity to achieve my goals ," he said emotionally.

Achieving Dreams

A sense of pride and emotion enveloped Stevani and his family after the final determination of the KIPK. His persistence and hard work has paid off. Stevani believes this is a good start, as his struggle to become a doctor is still very long.

"I will not waste this. I will fight to be the best," he stressed.

The process of verifying eligibility as a KIP-K recipient carried out by UPNVJ is thorough and must be proven with supporting data and also carried out by video call interviewing parents and seeing the atmosphere of the residence.

Stevani admitted that his dream of becoming a doctor was not just for himself. He hopes that one day he can help local residents where he lives as a competent medical worker.

"When I graduate to become a doctor, I want to become a specialist. And if I feel I am an expert in that field, I will return to the area where I live in Nias to build facilities and more qualified health experts," said Stevani.

"In Nias, there is still a lack of specialist staff. Many residents have to leave the area to seek treatment, so patients often die while on the way to the hospital," he continued.

Stevani hopes that his story can inspire and motivate his comrades in arms. He emphasized that cost factors and living far from the city are not obstacles to achieving your dreams, no matter how high they are. "Keep trying and praying because the process will not betray the results," concluded Stevani.

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