Supporting the Achievement of the Strategic Plan, UPNVJ Holds Musrenja 2025


Public Relations UPNVJ - The Strategic Plan (Renstra) is a reference in moving the wheels of activity to realize the vision and mission to be achieved by an organization, including the National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta. UPNVJ has prepared a Strategic Plan, but in its development it needs adjustments related to changes in Key Performance Indicators (IKU) and the Independent Learning program.

The Strategic Plan includes the preparation of documents as a reference for monitoring the implementation of activities through the preparation of Standard Operational Procedures and Mechanisms, especially regarding student services which are aligned with the policies of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.

To support the achievement of the Strategic Plan, UPNVJ held a 2025 IKU-based Work Plan Deliberation (Musrenja) at the Episode Hotel, Gading Serpong, Tangerang on 27-29 May 2024. This Musrenja includes the preparation of various sub-satker activities according to the budget ceiling that has been provided. Through this activity, UPNVJ is expected to be able to prepare activity plans and budgets for 2025.


In his speech, the Chancellor of UPNVJ, Anter Venus said that UPNVJ is committed to supporting everything in the innovative learning process, "UPNVJ is committed to supporting the implementation of learning processes that are integrated into the innovative learning ecosystem concept that has been built at UPNVJ. This is necessary so that students can achieve learning outcomes to the maximum," said Venus.

"For this reason, it is necessary to improve the administrative process towards realizing minimum service standards through the finalization of the Strategic Plan, Standard Operational Mechanisms and Procedures, as well as the work instructions required according to application updates at UPNVJ," he continued. (*s/*w)


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