UPNVJ Agrees to Collaborate with Two UiTM Malaysia Faculties


Public RelationsUPNVJ - A group of academics from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University (UPNVJ) visited Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) in Shah Alam, Malaysia on Friday, 17 May 2024. This visit aims to implement previously agreed cooperation .

Taking place at the UiTM Global International Office, FISIP UPNVJ and UiTM agreed to collaborate with two faculties and one college, namely the Faculty of Administrative Sciences & Police Studies and the Communication and Media Studies Faculty and the College of Creative Arts Studies.

The implementation of this collaboration is a follow-up to the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) agreed upon by the two universities in 2022.

"FISIP UPNVJ, which has the tagline more advanced, superior and global, continues to encourage the internationalization of various academic, student affairs, research and community service activities, one of which is implementing the International Real Work Lecture (KKN) program which is an Internal Grant for International Community Service from UPN Veteran Jakarta in Malaysia," said Dean of FISIP UPNVJ Bekti Istiyanto.

Furthermore, FISIP UPNVJ's visit to UiTM was planned to increase cooperation in a number of other fields.

"Thank God, we have agreed that after this visit, there will be more specific discussions regarding the exchange of teaching lecturers, international conference participants, student exchanges, research and writing books together chaired by Prof. Datuk Dr. Ismail Sualman, one of the professors from the Faculty of Communication and "Media Studies, UiTM," said Bekti.

Two FISIP UPNVJ lecturers, Dr. Fitria and Dr. Munadhil was also invited to be a guest lecturer in the course "Crisis Communication and Political Communication" at the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies.

Prof. Ismail Sualman himself had previously been invited to FISIP UPNVJ as a presenter at the "Research Methodology and Academic Writing Workshop" last April at the Bhineka Tunggal Ika Auditorium, UPNVJ Rectorate Building.

Apart from being a guest lecturer, Dr. Fitria also acts as one of the speakers on UiTM's radio, namely Radio UFM 93.6 FM, and presents live material with the theme "International Community Services about Training to Strengthen Indonesian Nationalism in Malaysia."

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