Public Relations UPNVJ - The Development Economics Study Program, Undergraduate Program at the Faculty of Economics and Business, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta (FEB UPNVJ) conducted an accreditation Field Assessment on Tuesday (20/5/2024).
The activity, which was held in the economics and business faculty meeting room, started at 07.30 WIB.
The opening of the Field Assessment was attended directly by the Chancellor (UPNVJ) Dr. Anther Venus. In his fourth speech, he said that there are 48 study programs being developed by UPNVJ until 2029 and one of them is the Undergraduate Development Economics Study Program.
"The aim of this accreditation is to achieve superior recognition for the undergraduate development economics program," said Venus at the opening of the Field Assessment in the FEB Meeting Room.
On this occasion, Prof. Indra Maipita, M.Sc., Ph.D and Prof. Setyo Tri Wahyudi, SE, M.Ec., Ph.D Assessor from the Independent Accreditation Institute for Economics, Business Management and Accounting (LAMEMBA).
Not only the Chancellor and Dean of FEB and their staff, this field assessment was also witnessed directly by the Head of LP3M, Head of SPI and also the university quality assurance team
On this occasion, Prof. Indra explained in general the implementation of the field assessment.
"The two of us were assigned by LAMEMBA to review, ensure that this study program had passed the SN Dikti. "This field assessment aims to ensure that the undergraduate development economics study program at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta meets the quality standards set by LAMEMBA and is relevant to industry demands and market needs." Said Prof. Indra
The results of this field assessment will be the basis for assessing the accreditation of the study program.