Public Relations UPNVJ - After going through several stages, the Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University (UPNVJ) determined that 119 prospective new students from the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) route received the Indonesia Smart College Card.
"In this year's SNBP, we have determined 119 prospective new students to be recipients of KIP Tuition assistance from a total of 224 registrants," said UPNVJ Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation, Dr. Ria Maria Theresa on Monday, May 20 2024.
Since 2020, the government has provided educational assistance to more than 150,000 students accepted into higher education, including those with disabilities, in the form of KIP Kuliah as proof of the state's presence in helping people gain access and guaranteed financing for higher education.
Ria also said that the main benefit of KIP Kuliah Merdeka is the guarantee of education costs which are paid directly to the university based on Study Program Accreditation (Prodi). Apart from that, living expenses assistance will also be provided for selected KIP Kuliah Merdeka recipient students.
"The living cost assistance is completely the student's right so it is transferred directly to the recipient's student account. Students can use this assistance to meet various needs during college and the university cannot use it for any additional costs," explained Ria.
Ria also explained that the cost support provided has two components, namely living costs which are transferred to the recipient's account with a total of IDR 8,400,000 per semester or six months, and Single Tuition Fees (UKT) which are paid to UPNVJ, determined based on the non-UKT average. KIP-Kuliah recipients and maximum fees based on study program accreditation.
Determination of KIPK recipients
There are several basic determinations for prospective new students who are entitled to receive KIPK.
a. Student holders or owners of secondary education KIP
b. Students from poor/vulnerable families and/or with special considerations as follows:
1) Students from families participating in the Family Hope Program (PKH)
2) Students from families who hold the Family Welfare Card (KKS)
3) Students from families who are included in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) or receive social assistance programs determined by the Ministry which oversees government affairs in the social sector
4) Students from families who fall into the poor/vulnerable to poor community group, maximum in decile 3 (three) of the Targeting Data for the Acceleration of Elimination of Extreme Poverty (P3KE) determined by the coordinating Ministry in charge of human development and culture;
5) Students from social institutions/orphanages
6) Students who are members of families that have a combined gross income of parents/guardians of a maximum of Rp. 4,000,000 (four million rupiah) per month or a combined gross income of parents/guardians divided by a maximum of Rp. 750,000 (seven hundred and five) family members. tens of thousands of rupiah)
7) Students from frontier, outermost and underdeveloped areas;
8) Students from native Papua in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations regarding special autonomy for the Provinces of Papua and West Papua;
9) Students who are children of Indonesian workers located in the border areas of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and/or
10) Students who are or are undertaking higher education in Indonesia or abroad who experience:
a) natural disaster
b) social conflict
c) victims of violence
d) Victims of serious human rights violations and/or
e) Other conditions based on the minister's consideration
Stages of the KIPK Process
a. The Chancellor received a letter determining the KIP-K quota from the Ministry of Education and Culture
b. The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation divides the total quota for each SNBP, SNBT and Independent Selection (SEMA) entry route
c. The Chancellor receives data on prospective new students participating in KIP-K from each entry route
d. The data processing team processes data on prospective new students participating in KIP-K from each pathway
e. The Survey Team made visits/telephone calls to prospective new students participating in KIP-K
f. The survey team conveys the results of the visitation to the Assessment Team
g. The data processing team ranked the KIP-K participant score data according to the quota for each route
h. The data processing team announced the results of KIP-K recipients
i. Prospective new students who receive KIP-K re-register
j. The Chancellor determines the KIP-K recipient students for each pathway
k. The data processing team proposes disbursement of implementation costs per semester (tuition fees) and living costs per semester via SIM KIP-K
l. The finance team receives implementation costs per semester (tuition fees) from the Ministry of Education and Culture
m. KIP-K recipient students receive living expenses assistance per semester from the Ministry of Education and Culture
n. The data processing team reports the academic progress (GPA) of KIP-K recipient students via
o. The Chancellor received the KIPK management report