Forming Social Concern, UPNVJ Distributes More than 400 Sacrificial Meat Packages


Public Relations UPNVJ - National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta carried out sacrificial animal slaughtering activities during Eid al-Adha on Tuesday, June 18 2024. Located in the 2nd Wheel Parking Lot of the UPNVJ Faculty of Law, the slaughtering event featured seven cows and two goats.

The sacrificial animals were the result of fundraising among a number of UPNVJ employees.

Present to open the event, UPNVJ Chancellor Dr Anter Venus appreciated the implementation of the sacrificial animal slaughter event again in the campus area this year.

"The number of people making sacrifices this year has increased, which reflects the increasing spirit of solidarity and social responsibility of UPNVJ residents towards underprivileged groups," said Venus.

"The sacrificial service is part of increasing our devotion to ALLAH SWT. An effort to get closer to ALLAH, as well as our efforts to accept all Islamic commands and teachings happily and sincerely," he continued.

After the slaughter, Venus symbolically handed over the sacrificial meat to the recipient. This year, UPNVJ is presenting 439 coupons, each of which can be exchanged for a package of sacrificial meat.


The recipients of sacrificial meat packages at this event were a number of UPNVJ employees and also elements of the community around campus.

Last year, UPNVJ also held a sacrificial animal slaughtering event by presenting three cows and eight goats. Sacrificial meat was distributed to mustahiq, including UPNVJ employees and local residents in around 300 packages.

Through the annual sacrificial animal slaughtering activity, UPNVJ provides a real example of the values of kindness, caring and the spirit of sharing. Activities like this will continue to be carried out to maintain harmony between the campus and the surrounding community.


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