Public RelationsUPNVJ - The Independent Selection of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta (SEMA UPNVJ) will soon enter the examination stage. The State Defense Exam will be held on Wednesday 26 June 2024. Before the exam, just like the previous year, UPNVJ held a State Defense Exam Trial with the aim that there would be no problems with the State Defense Exam on the day.
Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation, dr. Ria Maria conveyed that this State Defense Examination Trial activity could run smoothly and that all supervisors and committees involved could be trusted to help smooth the examination process for new UPNVJ student candidates, "The briefing in more detail will be explained later by Mas Fajar as Coordinator of New Student Admissions "What I want to convey is that I hope that all participating parties, who have been given the task, can be trustworthy so that prospective new UPNVJ students on the SEMA route can take their exams smoothly until the announcement process later," said Dr. Ria in her briefing.
Fajar Nugroho, acting as the UPNVJ Penmaru Coordinator, explained in detail the sequence that supervisors must understand in carrying out the state defense exam, "As supervisors, ladies and gentlemen are welcome to introduce themselves first to the participants, then after that they can check the room, ensuring that no one is using "other communication tools when carrying out exams," he explained
"In this implementation, there are several parties whose help we also ask to participate, such as 8 IT technicians, 15 helpdesk people (where 1 helpdesk person handles 500 participants), 159 supervisors (supervise each of the 24 session participants, a total of 48 people 2 session), apart from that, we are also preparing backup supervisors if they are needed later," continued Fajar
"Our hope is that with this state defense exam trial, we can minimize obstacles on the day of the state defense exam. "Our message is that we hope that all participants can prepare themselves optimally on the big day and get the best results that match the participants' expectations," he concluded at the end of the interview with UPNVJ public relations. (24/6)
This state defense exam trial activity will be held online on Wednesday, June 26 2024, while the officers on duty are present and on standby at the Merce Building, Faculty of Medicine, UPNVJ, Limo Campus.