Public Relations of UPNVJ - Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jakarta (UPNVJ) is proud to have received the Decree (SK) for the Opening of the Doctoral Program in Law Study Program given by the Head of LLDikti Region III Prof. Dr. Toni Toharudin, S.Si., M.Sc. The reception of this SK took place on August 19, 2024 at the Office of the Higher Education Service Institution Region III Cawang, East Jakarta, which was attended directly by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs of UPNVJ, Dr. Henry Binsar Hamonangan Sitorus., ST, MT, together with the Dean of FH UPNVJ, Dr. Suherman, SH, LLM., Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of FH UPNVJ Dr. Beniharmoni Harefa SH, LL.M along with Dr. Ni Putu Eka W., MSi. CSRS secretary of LPMPP UPNVJ.
This Doctoral Program in Law Study is expected to meet the needs of legal science development in Indonesia and encourage quality research and teaching at the Doctoral level. With the opening of this program, UPNVJ is certainly committed to supporting the improvement of human resource capacity in the legal field and producing competent and integrity graduates and is a strategic step in increasing academic capacity to answer the challenges of legal development in society and later can provide significant contributions to the development of law in Indonesia. UPNVJ hopes to become a center for superior legal education in the country.