Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Receives Decree on Opening of Film, Television and Media Studies Study Program

HumasUPNVJ - ​The determination of the opening of the Film, Television, and Media Studies Study Program was received by the National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta (UPNVJ) in July 2024 through a digital copy of the Decree document from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology.

The submission of the physical document of the Decree for the Opening of the New Study Program was carried out on Friday, August 9, 2024 at LLDIKTI Region III Jakarta. Present at the event representing UPN Veteran Jakarta were Vice Chancellor I Dr. Henry Binsar Hamonangan Sitorus, ST., MT., Dean of FISIP Dr. S. Bekti Istiyanto, M.Sc., Head of LP3M Satria Yudhia Wijaya, SE., MS.Ak., and Coordinator of the Film, Television, and Media Studies Study Program Dede Suprayitno, MIKom.

The handover ceremony of the Decree held by LLDIKTI Region III Jakarta invited several universities at once which also received Decrees for the establishment of undergraduate or postgraduate study programs and the establishment of universities. Each representative of the university stepped forward to receive the Decree handed over by the Head of LLDIKTI Region III Jakarta Prof. Dr. Toni Toharudin, S.Si., M.Sc.

The submission of the physical document of the Decree on the Establishment of the Film, Television, and Media Studies Study Program officially marked the new journey of this study program. The obligation to organize educational services, ensure the quality of the curriculum, and the quality of graduates will automatically be attached to this youngest study program at FISIP UPN Veteran Jakarta.

"The opening of the Film, Television, and Media Studies Study Program is a proud achievement for us. This includes the rapid establishment of the Study Program. In just one application, it was immediately accepted," said Vice Chancellor I of UPNVJ Dr. Henry Binsar Hamonangan Sitorus, ST., MT. when giving a speech in front of the Head of LLDIKTI Region III Jakarta and his staff as well as representatives from other campuses who were present at that time.

"This experience makes us excited for the next step of opening a doctoral study program at the Faculty of Law," he continued.

Dean of FISIP UPNVJ Dr. S. Bekti Istiyanto, M.Si. conveyed to the lecturers of the Film, Television, and Media Studies Study Program after the event at LLDIKTI to prove and realize the hopes of many parties so that this Study Program can become a superior Study Program. "Let's prove it," said Bekti.

Congratulations to the Film, Television, and Media Studies Study Program of UPNVJ. The spirit of running quality and high-quality educational services.

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